My mom feels better. Her pink eye seems to be gone. Her bad cold is almost gone. She wants to thank all you who wished her to be well! But now I have to contend with mom's moods! Sometimes I try to tell her she should be blogging more... it will make her feel better. Sometimes she just won't listen and goes off and does her own thing.

I won't close my eyes now... cause I am not sleepy.

But look at who is sleepy. Here is Monty on Grandma's bed!

And Sandusky likes to be near Spooky.
That looks like what we are doing, too!
I'm khurrently in the stretched out snoozing pawsition myself!
NOW, bakhk to sleep!
We are glad your mom is feeling better! Please tell her blogging AND walking is the best medicine!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
We are feeling sleepy too, but not as sleepy as mum. We just had to stick our claws in her cuz she fell asleep at the compooter. We think she'd better go to bed.
I hope you wewe able to dwift off to sneepy land to join evewyone else fow a wefweshing nap
So glad youw Mum is bettew
smoochie kisses
glad to hear Mom is much better! looks like a very sleepy Saturday there.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Lots of sleeping going on at your house!
Glad your mom is feeling better.
It's always worth the wait when we get so see such BOOTIFUL photos of you, Miss Millie!!
When your mum doesn't help you blog, look what happens. Pink eyes and such.
Huffle Mawson
We are glad to hear your mum is feeling better, and hope she is back to full strength very soon:)
All when they are sleeping ;)
Amazing shots all ...
Hi Millie
Looks like you and your bros enjoyed a sleepy day. Maybe it was so pretty outside Mom didn't want to stay in and she has been feeling so bad I'm sure she was glad to feel like getting out
Madi and Mom
Yoo know we try to get our the mom to blog more but she says dat sumtimes she is bizzy. Sheesh, we is more impawtant!!
We're glad that you mum is feeling much better!
Everybody else looks mostly sleepy today...you sure you're not too? ;)
Glad to hear the mom is better!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Sundays are good for sleeping in and being lazy:)
Glad your mum is feeling better.. The blogging will help..
I am stretched out too..
Hugs GJ xx
Glad to hear your Mom is on the mend.
You just want to make sure you don't a thing going ON!
And glad to hear your mom is doing much better! Yes,indeed-to blog more would make her feel better...good luck!
wow Millie, the first picture is really cute!
Great series of good nap of you my sweet friends, and now I guess I need to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz
We are having a riot in our house but I guess that by tonight we'll be imitating you!
It is good to hear that your mom is feeling better. We hope she is 100% soon!
I am very sleepy after seeing all those sleepy pictures you posted. I envy you all!
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