Huffle Mawson just made 500 posts! To help Huffle celebrate her 500 posts she is holding a commentathon today and until the end of the week. Her mum will donate 25cents for every comment she gets on the 500 posts to the Cat Protection Society of Victoria, which is the cat rescue that she came from. If you would like to help out all you have to do is comment on Huffle's Blog!
Oh! Those are scary lasers....eek! We hope they scared the sicky out of your mom and that she feels better now.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I hope your eyes cured your mommy!
Oh my!
I'm shaking in my floofy tail!
I hope your mom feels better SOON!
I've inkhluded HM on my Friday blog!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
Good lasers. They should scare away all the sickies!
Did it work? Did you scare the sickys out of her?
We hope your laser eyes scared the ills right out of your mom!!!
We're gonna go visit Huffle right now...maybe we'll each leave a comment...that's 75 cents right there!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
I hope you mommy
feels better soon !!
Take care Mommy ...
( I love your eyes today Millie ;)
kareltje =^.^=
Did the laser eyes work?
Huffle Mawson
We commented! Those laser eyes have the most beautiful blue we ever saw in lasers.
You've got great laser eyes!
We commented on Huffle's blog!
Purring for your Mommy to feel a lot better!
I think these eyes are cute!
Happy weekend dear Millie
purrs and love
Hope your Mom feels better soon!
your pal,
Those are scary lazers!
Hope your mom feels better. Mamacita gives Darby the lasers in our story today!
We're going over to comment at Huffle's!
We hope your laser eyes worked on your Mom's sickies!
Those sure are some scary lasers you got there!!! Yer mom better watch out!!! Have a fantabulastic weekend!!!
Millie tell mom to rest and feel better soon,
Madi and Mom
Hello Millie!
I'm scared ... and I'm not even a cat
Thanks, I already visited Huffle Mawson blog and commented. Great look.
Laser eyes or not - you look quite lovely there. Hope the Mom is feeling better.
Woos, the OP Pack
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