Oops!!! Mom accidentally posted this!!!!! And can't get rid of it without deleting it! So here he is my Monty!! And there is my mom smiling at him!! And mom is promising me to visit all my friends tomorrow and apologizes for not doing it tonight .... being it is about midnight and she has to go to work tomorrow!

Monty ... always is ready to play!

May I wake up that kitty?
O yesss......
I want play with you :)
I am coming .....
Kareltje =^.^=
A very nice woofie, I bet he'd be fun to have the zoomies with!!!
Monty, you are a super smiley woofie!
I'll come and play :)
Huffle Mawson
Great pictures! You're the only woofie we might consider playing with (you have such a sweet face!).
Hi Millie et al,
We are so glad everyone is feeling better. Whew!!!! Thanks for visiting us. Mom said to tell you she was surprised that the brushing photo shoot turned out she only using one hand on the camera. HA!!
Madi and Mom
Happy Thursday...it is a good day for playing:)
Those are some great pictures. We love the first one!
Why would you want to delete it? that is such a great pic of you two!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Sometimes the bestest posts are the ones we didn't intend to post!
I would so zoom zoom zoom with woo!
What great pikhs! Mom and I are both smiling!
(Akhtually, I'm napping but she's smiling fur me)
What a cute woofie Monty is. And, you look super comfy snoozin'.
Monty is a sweet woolfie. I don't think you were you were too happy to be awakened.
MOnty is so funny ^^
Cute woofie! :D
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
This post is sooo adorable!
I would love to play with you as well!
Wonderful pictures dear friends, thanks so much for sharing !
purrs and always love
Those are great pictures of Monty - why delete it? We like it very much!
We just ♥ those happy doggies☺
You shouldn't delete it. It was meant to be. They are all cute photos.
Hi Human!!
Great smiles....
Monty, we bet you are a lot of fun!!!
Hi monty- funballs photo with your mommie. all smiles:)
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