The News: My Monty had to go the vet yesterday! He had a "hot spot" which he would not stop licking. They shaved the spot and put some medicine on it. The spot seems to be getting better already! But then right afterwords Sarah gave him a haircut! So his fur is kind of choppy right now! Above is an older photo of him.... since mom hasn't taken a picture of his haircut or his "hot spot!" But the best news of all is that Sarah will be returning to work next Monday!!
Yahoo!! She also has been walking My Monty more! Mom braved the woods on her own a couple of times, and even took him down the street here more than once! Mom is the Chicken!!

Now!! See my laser eyes? But guess what! I've got Laser Paws!

Hey! I can do this with both my paws!

And it is like magic!
Glad your Monty is OK. love the laser paws. We want some!
What a talent...
Oh no Monty!
I'm glad woo got it taken khare of!
AND great news about Sarah AND Monty's walks!
Good for Monty getting things fixed up. Now how did you do that with your paws? We are impressed.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Yay for Monty being ok!
Ok, your laser paws are amazing! We've never seen anything like that before!
Wowee, we've never seen laser paws before! That's way cool.
We're glad Monty is okay, and that Sarah is doing well enough to go back to work!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Laser Paws! I want those!
Glad everyone is doing okay, let's keep it that way!
Those paws awe magic..I hope you use them fow good ,not evil, hehehe
Give youw Monty some of my special healing smoochie kisses on his hotspot
Oh Monty...we're glad your spot is getting better! And we love your laser paws, Millie! We want some too! And YAY to Sarah!!!
I wanna chase your laser paws!!!!
Laser paws are the coolest things we saw - evah! So much going on at your place. We're glad that both Monty and Sarah are doing better.
Hey there, Millie (Do I have to use your full name?)
Guess have OUR granny's name! Isn't that cool!
...and thank you for coming to visit our blog. It's always wonderful to make new friends and you guys look fabulous!
Generally I chase cats, but I can make an exception with you, Millie - because of Monty (We like goldens and golden types!), but also because you are very beautiful and we read your story! We think you have a wonderful family...lucky kitty. We do hope that Monty's hot spots settle soon. They can be really horrible and we too have to sometimes be shaved (in summer) - to avoid them.
Anyway, its nice to meet you and we hope we can be friends.
Lots of licks
Hi Millie
We are glad to hear Monty is less itchy. Way to go Sarah!!!
Oh my word I've never seen a kitty with laser paws. That is a great picture. Kudos to Mom
Madi and Mom
Holy Carp! Laser paws?? Dat is so neat! We wants to try dat too!
Monty we is sorry yoo has hotspots - the mom said witchhazel works really well fer dems.
How did you do that?!?! You are like a magician!!!! :O
Monty, we are happy to hear that your hot spot is on the mend. It doesn't sound comfortable at all!
HOLY MACKEREL!!! Mmmm Mackerel....oh yeah, LASER PAWS??? You are some seriously lucky cat to have laserpaws!!! Glad Monty is feeling better too!!! We have an award for you today! :o)
We hope Monty's hot spot gets better soon!
We used to have a lazer pen, but it got lost!
Hope Monty's all better soon.. But hey laser paws,that is awsome...Hugs GJ xx
Good news Monty, glad you are doing better! Toy likes laser paws, he trys to pick up the red dot to eat it. At least it doesn't have calories but his tummy might glow!=^Y^=
Glad to hear the news is getting better for dog and human alike.
Laser Paws would be real good to have on a dark night!
Good to hear that Monty and Sarah are OK - and that you have a sparkling new talent!
They are amazing laser paws :))))
Nice to hear thats Monty is okay
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
I am in awe of your laser paw!
Huffle Mawson
Such a great news dear Millie!
And cool pictures, wow you are a laser girl, gorgeous and charming!
Wow those are very cool laser paws! I haven't seen those before!
Also, because I haven't got a ton of doggie experience I have to say I am not sure what a "hot spot" is. But it doesn't sound fun and I am glad it is better. And I am also glad that Sarah is so much better - that is great!!
I am very impressed by your laser paws - you are magic!
Oh.. yeah.. hot spots are nasty. Thanks for coming to see me at my bloggy. I can't wait to see what you guys are up too..Happy Sat to YOu!
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