I got to tell you my Monty's wish. But first!! See that big long fur in that photo below? That's Monty's fur! And that is after a furcut!
Now the Secret!
Monty Dreams of Being a Snowdog. His doggy mom was a Samoyed, but his doggy dad was a Golden Retriever! So he lies somewhere in between. We thinks he has the heart of a Golden Retriever, but the the Sarah says the stubbornness of a Samoyed. Now I ask you is that fair of her to say that? His tail and it's furs act like they are Samoyed. When he gets excited it curls and floofs up!! But his ears ... well??? He leaves us his furs everywhere all over the furniture and in every nook and cranny! You can't see them here cause they have been cleaned up.

But when you come across any furs you can tell that most the furs are his! Cause they are mostly 3-6 inches long, and a golden yellow!

He is always hot!

And when mom doesn't cut his furs they get longer and longer and longer! His dream is to be a just like those dogs in that movie Snow Dogs. See his cute older photo after a furcut?
Leaving fur evfurrywhere is a sign of LOVE!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
But he is SO beautiful too!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Monty is such a handsome woofie!! We love his yellow gold furs!
Monty is a very gool looking snow dog!
Monty, you are such a good woofie!
We hope your dreams come true, Monty!
What a handsome woofie!!
Looking great after your furcut. Very handsome!
He is a sweet boy, what breeds he has in him.
Huffle Mawson
You got mixed up just perfectly Monty...you're gorgeous!
your pal,
Hi Millie et al,
Thanks for the interesting background on Monty. What an interesting combination. Mom is always amazed at how much hair I deposit around the house even after getting brushed 3 to 4 times a week.She tells everyone if they leave with cat hair on them to consider it a prize!!! Oddly as it seems Madi does not go under the beds. Very strange. Our first cat spent a lot of time under beds.
Madi and Mom
Being a snowdog sounds like fun! ...except we're cats, so it might be difficult...
He's furry kyute and should be called a Samotriever!
Mom needs to comb our Golden dog .. she gets fur everywhere
I guess he's got the best part of each parent!
purrs and love
I think he is lovely.. I leave my ginger fur everywhere too..
Hugs GJ xx
Monty is a cutie - I think he would make a great snowdog, after his furs grow out so he is warm of course. But if he did that he woudl have to leave, so I think it is best that your mom keeps trimming the fur and keeping him home!
Shedding fur over the furniture means you are loved - and claimed!
I agree with Khyra - leaving fur everywhere is a sign of love.....
We wanted to stop by and say thanks for the good purrs for my Mommy!
We hope you get a chance to be a snow dog, Monty!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
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