My mom is still not well. She actually took Friday off from work. Then was sick all weekend. Yesterday, her eye was bothering her real bad. There was all this yellowish gunk! She has health care though her job.... but the clinic here in Napa is closed today. She called the advice nurse and after describing her symptoms over the phone that nurse told her she had pink eye. But to get medicine for it she has to go all the way to Vallejo! Maybe if I sit on her bed under all my favorite scarves it will help her! Then I can flash
My Magnificent Lasers right at her! I think the laser treatment I gave her the other day helped, but she needs more!! I hear kitty cats can get pink eye! I hope I don't!!!

We hope everyone else is well out there!
Mancat Monday Almost Gone:Sandusky hasn't figured out how to open the door yet, but he says it sure smells good out there!

PS Spooky will only move if the Sarah moves.
My mom says she will help me visit my friends later this afternoon after she picks up the medicine.
Please give her some additional eye treatments!
I mean, Monty needs MORE walks!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
Poor Mom - don't you have any of those CVS Minute Clinics near you - Mom has used them here and they work really well in a pinch. Hope she is feeling better very soon.
Too bad the long weekend goes by so quickly - back to reality so soon.
Woos, the OP Pack
Mom hates getting Pink Eye!
Poor Mom; pinkeye sounds nasty. You're purring for her, right?
Poor Mom =(
We will be praying for her, and send many purrs
We hope Mom is feeling better and no kitties get pink eye.
Oh we hope your mom is better soon...pink eye sounds like no fun at all!
Ohhh, your poor mummy!! Tell her to look online, there might be some cures she could do till she gets meds...
Keep working dear Millie, I hope mommy will be fine soon!
All our purrs and prayers for her!
Be positive okay dear friends!
mommy Léia and Luna
Oh no, we sure hope your mom's eye feels all better very soon! We think the laser treatments you gave her definitely helped!
Oh your poor Mom! We send lots of purrs her way. Being sick on a holiday was NO fun. Take care of her!
And Sandusky...you are a fellow handsome ManCat...you'll get out there someday!
Hope your Mom got her medicine cuz pink eye is no fun at all!
Hey everyone. We are so sorry to hear about Mom not feeling well...for when Mom isn't well all feel bad. I hope the medicine has helped. We look forward to hearing Mom is well and that Sarah is off walking Monty.
Madi and Mom
Poor mum's eye. I hope she feels better soon.
Huffle Mawson
We hope your Mom is feeling better soon! That sounds like it's very uncomfortable!
We is hopin yer mom gets better. It is such hard work makin beans stay put when theys sick fer us kittehs. Yoo did a pawsome job snoopervisin her we are sure!
Hi Millie
I hope your Mommy
is feeling better soon,
give her a BIG hug from me
Kareltje =^.^=
We sure hope your mommy feels better soon. Sometimes, it's seems like pinkeye, but it's actually some sort of infection looking for a way out. Our dad had that once and turned out it was a sinus infection. The pictures are GRRR-8 and we hope the laser treatment works!
We hope your mom gets better real soon, we know your laser treatments must be helping!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Wow... I am hypnotized by the laser eyes.. those are wicked. Do you have healing powers with them? zap mom quick. Get better mom.
EWWWW! I'm so sorry 'bout your mom and her funky eye. That's just no fun. Do make sure she washes her hands before she pets you, tho', so you don't get it, too!
Oh we are late posting but I hope your mom is feeling better - pink eye is gross! IT is too bad she has to go so far to get the medicine. We are all hoping and purring she is feeling better!
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