The Confession:
I Monty am guilty of stealing food! I tell you the two most notable times.
1. Mom had brought home three donuts for dessert. They were in a paper bakery sack. Not thinking she put the sack down on the living room floor and took something out into the kitchen to put it away. I was hanging about near by. A minute later when she came back to get the donuts there were only two! She looked everywhere for the third donut. She even went out to the car hoping it fell out there. The donut was never found it! And there I was!
2. Another time, the human sister made a whole pound of very yummy chocolate fudge, leaving it to cool on the counter top. The humans then left the house. When they came back they couldn't find the fudge. The foil it had been in was there on the floor... fudgeless! I stole the entire pound. At least that is what the humans said! They worried I was going to get sick.... but it didn't faze me!
I say it was all the humans faults!! The temptation was just too great for me!!!!!!!!!!
Monty wants to give this to the following blogs:
1. Bruce's Paws
2. Eric and Flynn
3. Noir in Texas
4. Inigo Flufflebum and d'Artangan Rumblepurr
5. Daisy
Oh goodie!!!! Thank you so much for our award, we can't wait to tell our story tomorrow!!!
BIG *RUMBLEPURR* to you, and thanks :)
Lovely story,
gratulations on your award :))))
Oh it's funny!
Congratulations dear friends!
purrs and love
Oh my gosh, you eated an entire pound of fudge! I'm glad you did not get sick from it! I will have to think if there was any foods I stoled...
I agree with you Monty, I think it's the human's fault for leaving food within your reach. Food is food, right? How's a dog suppose to know what he's suppose to eat or not eat? Congratulations on your award and thanks so much for passing it on to me.
your pal,
Great story and Congrats on your award!
You sound just like our mum, Monty... hahahahahaha!
Oh Monty! My great-sister Maxine stole some easter eggs once, and just left the foil on the floor. Mum wasn't too happy with her but she didn't get sick at all!
Huffle Mawson
Thank you for the award! I'm such a GOOD kitty--I'll hafta to ponder what I eat that I shouldn't....maybe that copper penny Tommy makes sure I don't swallow.... :)
Congratulations on your award! Very cute story about the donut and the fudge!
Congrats on that award, Monty! And yes, it is the humans' fault...never should they leave food out that we can get...what do they expect?
Congratulations on the award. I see Millie did not confess to taking food! You are very brave, Monty.
ConCta son your award. Its furry kyute! We're guilty all the way around...
Congrats on your award and so nice to meet you! You are very pretty!
Oh Monty you are very sneaky at taking food aren't you! Our kitties are not sneaky about it at all - maybe it is beause you are a doggie that you were able to be more stealthy!
Your first picture is so cute .... Monty is cute too ^^
And congrats on your award, I never stole any food in my home =x
(they have never seen ^^)
Very cute picture and a great story!
Congratulations on your award and on eating those delicious things! I bet the fudge was deeeeeelicious!
Concats on your award and thanks for passing it on to us.
Monty! A whole pound and you weren't sick.
Well, eating the fudge was dangerous enough, but it is a good thing you left the foil - it can do a lot of damage to your innards:) Good job on the donut - but why did you stop at one?
Play bows, the OP Pack
You must be a master thief - and have an iron tummy too!
Oh Monty!
Grrrrreat work!
I've done some of those same things!
I have heawd all the evidence and I think you awe totally blameless. It was pwactically put in youw bowl
smoochie kisses
Oh Monty....chocolate wasn't that just yummy!!! Our mini dachshund Toto was a big time thief. He once ate, a bowl of Hershey kisses and the tin foil. He didn't have any ill effects either.
Madi and Mom
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