I told mom to post my picture, me with Monty (again)! Here we both are .... I have a memory lapse .... I don't know what we are looking at!

Now! I present my brother Monty!

After a furcut!

Last winter's furry boy with grandma!

Not sure if any of you noticed... but in different photos Monty's fur may change length... being longer or shorter. That is 'cause mom trims the furs about every two or three months! In these last 3 photos it is longer! But in the first one his fur is short.

He doesn't love having his furcut! But once it is cut we think he is happier!
He's such a handsome fella!
Monty sure is a handsome doggie! AND, we love the picture of you two, staring at nothing! MOL...Have a furry happy weekend!!!
You are both gorgeous!!! Love your fur long or short...
Madi (aka laser girl) and Mom
Oh Millie,
Monty is so charming!
Great photos!
purrs and love
Must make for a cooler Monty:) And he looks nice that way too. Our backyard neighbors actually have their golden shaved in the summer - almost to the skin - he looks horrible and we worry about sunburn.
Happy weekend, the OP Pack
Monty is a very cute dog!
Thanks for worrying about me, I'm better thanks to all your prayers!
hugs and purrs
Monty, your tail surely rivals Siena's in floofyness!
It is nice of you to share your blog with Monty! And either way - long fur or short - he is quite adorable!
Monty is a good looking brother no matter what length his furs are. Mom wanted to tell your Mom that her sewing machine is a Bernina 200. She has had it for several years ans it will probably be the last machine she has cause she cannot afford the new one they have. It does machine embroidery, too!
Monty looks nice. Tommy says she would love all over him. I would be more like YOu!
We bet Monty feels much cooler in the summertime when he gets a haircut!
Your mummy could open a salon, Monty looks SO good!!
It almost looks like the two of you are ready to have a race to pounce on whatever it is that has your undivided attention.
Monty is so cute long or shorter haired!
Monty is a handsome woofie. Whatever it was you were looking at must have been interesting.
Youw Bwuvvew Monty is vewy handsome no mattew what his haiwcut is like. In this heat, I bet he feels bettew wif it showtew though.
Mommi has those memowy lapses all the time, but she doesn't look neawly as bootiful and cute as you
smoochie kisses
We bet Monty enjoys the shorter furs when it's hot outside!! What a cutie!
Monty looks great with all lengths of his fur!
He is such a sweetie :))))
A very handsome boy,
You can be proud Millie on you brother !!!
Hai Millie! Monty is very handsome and I can't says I blames him for not wanting his furs cut but he probably does feels betters afterwards.
I luvs da pictures!
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