Just me telling you this!

Spooky loves to be held by my human sister!

But me? I am not a pick me up hold me cat!

This is me after only 25 seconds!!! I have explained this all before!!!!!!!!
P.S. Human sister has surgery tomorrow for her ACL (knee). Please pray and purr for her! Thank you.
We'll be khrossing parts fur her AND sending SibeVibes in her direkhtion!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty! My word was MYTORT
The look in your eyes is priceless!
Good luck to the human sister that all goes well.
Woos, the OP Pack
Purrs to Sarah! That photo is so funny!
Did you remind her gently that you don't like to be picked up? Purrs to Sarah!
Lots of purrs and tail wags for your sister's successful surgery tomorrow.
I can see that you awe a swiwmy wowmy, hehehebut oh sooo cute!
I will cwoss my paws fow youw hooman sissie's suwgeawy
sending healing smoochie kisses
We will think on her the whole day
Take care ....
All our prayer and purrs for her sweety!
Everything will be okay soon!
I do not like to be picked up either. I hope Sarah's surgery goes well.
Huffle Mawson
Hope Sarah's surgery goes well today!
your friend,
p.s. I don't really like to be held either, but I tolerate it for short periods just to make Sharon happy
We are purring very very hard for Sarah! Sending her lots of recovery vibes!
Our thoughts, prayers and puurrs are with your human sister!
Hi Millie,
We wanted to let you know we are thinking about Sarah today and will eagerly await an update on her surgery. Madi and Mom
We are sending great big purrs for your sister!
We love that photo of you!
We are sedning lots of purrayers to your sisfur!!! And, you look quite PO'd in the last picture! Kinda made us giggle...
Have a GRRR-8 weekend!!!
Funny, most of us don't like being picked up and held, either. Pixie's about the only one who will tolerate it for more than a few seconds.
Sending lots of purrrrrrs to Sarah for her surgery!!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
The photos are very cute!
We'll be praying and purring!
I am thinking about Sarah and hoping she is getting along okay. Keep us updated when you can.
We are sending our purrs and prayers for her surgery to go well tomorrow! And hopefully you will be nicer to her than you were in that last picture when she comes home! You look VERY mad!
Your face speaks volumes!
Best wishes for your human sister!
are you being held against your will again?
We hope all is oke with your sisfur,
I see now upgrade !!!
Take care,
take the time to relax :)
Kareltje & Anya
Awww you no likes to be held huh. Well I don't likes to be held myself for very longs but in during da day der are times I lets momma holds me for a long times because I knows she luvs it and I luvs my momma!
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