We cats are very capable of cleaning ourselves! There is Spooky on the couch licking her furs! Here is Sandusky doing the same! And here I am doing my long beautiful leg!! Thank Goodness we cats know how to do this ourselves! I would hates to get in that bathtub! Mom says Monty needed a bath after all those strange Motel rooms! WATCH OUT ..... DOGGY TONGUE!!
Good morning....Millie and Sandusky you both smell lovely this morning after your baths. We kitties look like we're in the middle of yoga class when we bath. Monty you are a very good boy in the bathtub. I bet your fur is fluffy today!! Madi and Mom
wow dear Millie what a performance great!
Funny and beautiful pictures!
When we saw the title we froze - and then we were very relieved! Hope the humans had a good time away.
Hahaha! Enjoy your bath, Monty dog!
I seriously thought the post title meant you had to have a bath. In water.
Huffle Mawson
We cats are so lucky we don't have to get into a big bathtub! Millie, your ballet leg is perfect and so feminine!
Our Dixie Dog does not enjoy a bath, but our new foster kitten does!
Good morning....Millie and Sandusky you both smell lovely this morning after your baths. We kitties look like we're in the middle of yoga class when we bath.
Monty you are a very good boy in the bathtub. I bet your fur is fluffy today!!
Madi and Mom
Good thing baths are for dogs & not cats. I would NOT like to get that wet!
Oh no the wet stuff, no thank you, not for me... UGGG
Hugs GJ xx
We pups try to keep ourselves pretty clean too cuz we hate baths. Monty looked way too cooperative there.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
We love the leg extension cleaning! As for baths??? They're for the birds, um, we mean dogs...
We like the way we take baths, too. but we know kitties that like a bath in water.
I only like to go in the bathtub when it's empty.
we see Romeo do the same too (gives himself baths) we gotta learn that from him =p maybe this will stop the hoomans from giving us baths...
Was Monty trying to give kisses? ADORABLE
Maltese Paws
We cats are very smart =)
You're doing a great job!
And poor Monty =(
Oh you three are so lucky because my kitties (at least some of them) have to have a bath sometimes. Those are all great bath pictures!
Khanine tongue khysses are THE best!
Woo look so brave Monty!
We cats are lucky we are self cleaning.
So lovely shots from bath time,
I love it :)
Great shots !!!
We can see you all do a good job of keeping yourselves clean.
Oh you are all so clean now...especially Monty!
We have a award for you, then go see it when you can =)
We're glad that we can clean ourselves also. Monty doesn't seem to mind his bath though.
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