Update: Mom and I want to thank all who wished Sarah well on her surgery. All those purrs, prayers and good vibes helps a lot! We want you to know that Sarah came home from the hospital and slept most the afternoon..... just like us cats would have done!!! She is in a lot of pain... but seems otherwise to be doing fine. Those humans and Monty will most likely spend the evening watching some older movies!! Yesterday was a real hard day in more than one way!

Here is a partial family protrait .... Hey mom! Where am I??? There is the yeller dog!! Why aren't I there? Portrait was taken in Angwin, on Los Posadas State Forest property! But the movies below were PUC college property!
These are some silent movies from a couple of months ago, the first one is Mom walking Monty! The second one is Sarah and Monty. Sarah won't be able to walk Monty for a couple of weeks. My mom can walk him but real slow like. He is real strong and once pulled her over when he saw a squirell!!!
And finally! Here I am on video! We apologize that it is so dark! You can at least (sort of) see me meow, but not hear me! Mom says she is going to visit all my friends for me later this evening!
That is a nice family pawtrait, but we agree, you should have been in it too. We like the videos and we saw you say meow.
We are glad your human sister is home after her surgery and we hope the pain soon goes.
You are so pretty! We could see you meow ans imagine what a sweet voice you have! Glad Sarah is healing well. Hopefully the pain will start going away!
That is purry good news to see your sister is home...
Sorry she's in pain...but that should subside with all your attention!
Glad things went well with the surgery, now on to recovery. Lots of sibe vibes for a good healing. Sorry about the pain but you and Monty ought to be able to snuggle up and help with some comfort.
Hugs, the OP Pack
Glad to hears your hooman sister is homes, I hopes da pain doesn't last longs and she feels better soon.
We are sending big healing purrs for you sister, and hope she has a quick recovery.
Even if we can't hear you, you still look pretty.
Huffle Mawson
Tell Sarah she has a lot of well-wishers out here. Hope she feels better soon! You take good care of her Millie & Monty.
Millie I'm so glad to hear Sarah is progressing. I hope each day the pain is less and less....tell her to look way down the road of recovery. We bet she'll see herself running and walking w/o pain...
Madi and Mom
We hope your human sister recovers quickly and her pain goes away! We're purring for her!
Lovely family portret :)))
We are HAPPY to hear she is feeling better :)))
We stay purss for her pain,
we think on you sisfur,
Millie !!
Kareltje =^.^=
Great videos and a fab picture!
Thanks for update the news!We are so glad that she is okay!
wow what a beautiful family pawtrait!
Thanks for sharing the videos!
Cute videos! We know your meow must be delicate, just like you. ;)
We're glad to hear Sarah's surgery went well, and hope her pain goes away soon!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Millie, we are praying & purrin' your human sister is feeling better soon. Thank you for your purrs & prayers while we were going through a very hard time after OBI so unexpectedly crossed the bridge. Thank you so much, the Cat Street Boyz & Mom Holly
Glad that Sarah is well =)
Thank you to the comments about Ted!
Hope Sarah is feeling better. Thanks for the video - that was good to see!
thanks for visiting my bloggie! oh boy kitties & doggies together.. what fun:)hope sarah's feeling better:) big kisses from tula
We hope your sisfur recovers furry fast!!! And, we did see you meow in both videos!!! You probably have a furry sweet mew!
Cheyenne Millie
We'we so glad that Sawah is bettew.pleez give hew my smoochie kisses when she wakes.
I love youw moosic, makes me want to dance..Mommi doesn't know how to make moosic on my bloggie, so I'm jelly.
You looked fab in youw video
smoochie kisses
You say meow so nicely. Good to hear you. Hope your sis gets better soon and isn't suffering any pain. You're purring for her, right? So are we!
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