I have one green laser and one blue laser below! You gotta biggify it.

"You stare and blare, and say you care" .....
Tippi Hedren to Sean Connery in Alfred Hitchcock's "
Marnie." (Quote is around 8:50 on the UTube video) We love Marnie!
PS: That word really is "blare" ... "You stare and blare and say you care, but your unfair, you want a pair." We wonders what that means!
We can see you have your lasers on at full power in the first photo.
Wow! This laser is too strong!
pawsom lasers, Millie ;)
Maltese Paws
Whoa! How do you do one blue eye and one green eye, Millie?? That is too cool!
That is cool that you have different colored laser lights!
A khat with those kind of weapons is skhary!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
You have awesome lasers!!
Ahh--a light to guide me back to you! I love it!
Your gaze is hypnotic, my dear.
Wow! Those are some scary laser eyes!
I must post some photos of my laser eyes too! How cool that you have different colours.
Huffle Mawson
You ave very strong lasers there, they could burn right into the flashy box..
Hugs GJ xx
Oh yeah, those eyes are just the coolest!!! You are a very powerful Jedi!
your pal,
Yeah! Multicoloured lazers! So cool:)
What beautiful pictures you are indeed a beauty with mesmerizing eyes. Picasa no way....Mom is not allowed to mess with anything more complicated than an on and off button until she gets her groove back!!! Boy she has been snapping that flashy box too much. I believe my eyes are permanently dialated. Madi and Mom
Oh wow, we do laser staredowns all the time too! seems to work, usually we get what we want if we pester and leer long enough!
Theodore and sasha
Oh, the bi-eyed laser is spectacular!!!
Hi Millie
It's awfully nice to meet you! I think you awe vewy bootiful and I'm so glad you adopted youw family and have such a loving home.
I biggified the pictoowe, and saw youw amazing blue and gween lazews..cool!
smoochie kisses
Hi Millie!! thanks for the nice comments about my photo. I'm quite proud of my tummy...I leave white fur all over the place...
Oh I love your laser eyes! It makes me think of the laser eyes song -
"I've got laser eyes
And I know what your thinking"
So I wonder - do you know what I am thinking?
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