Summer School is out and school won't start till about the middle of August! So Mom has a staycation!

MINE!! Can you tell they have been chewed down!

Mom planted these for me awhile back! But they are usually outside on the back deck. I have a couple of them!

I love them!

Yumm Yumm!
oh looks sooo good! Yummy!
I want a kind of this too!
purrs from Luxembourg
It looks totally yummy! And I like your tongue sticking out in last week's post too.
Sorry to hear about Obi. Poor thing.
Thanks for visiting us! We're posting again tomorrow It will be our 350th post!
Romeo here (Snowy&Crystal's cousin cat):
what are these? seems that they are yummy. I never tried it - I sure would love can I get it?
Is it a special kind of grass? Extra tasty, perhaps?
Huffle Mawson
Wow, dat is sum neat grass! We hasnt seen it in a carton like that before.
Mmmmmm....that grass looks nommie!!! And yeah that your mom is gonna be home!
Tommy needs to get us some! Lucky You1
We love cat grass too! You're so lucky to have your Mom home!
My friend, the housecat Pickles, doesn't get to go outside. He loves these grasses too!
your pal,
Millie that looks delicious...I have never tried that...'food for thought' (pardon the pun)I crack myself up sometimes. I hope you all have a fantastic staycation.
Sometimes they are the best plus all the furids get to stay home too. My peeps are going away for a few days in Aug and Sept....but that is ok my other fav peep Miss Debbie is coming to see me...she give nice portions of food...shhhh don't tell Mom. Madi
That grass looks so nommy! We just love the container too!
Do you know that I bought one of these for my indoor cats and they won't touch it? Yet, they chew on my plants like crazy that I have to place them in areas where they can't reach them! I just can't understand this?
Your cat is beautiful. I am coming across this whole new faction of pet blogs that I am so enjoying right now because I am such an animal lover/advocate. I have two spaniels and three cats...and, no, sometimes, they fail to play nice! So I will be back for sure!
Nommy! Enjoy the grass and the staycation.
Enjoy your Mom while she is home! Tha cat grass looks yummy!
Hmmm ... YUMMY !!!
That looks so yummy. Enjoy your mum being home..
Hugs GJ xx
I have never seen grass that grows in a carton before. It looks neat-o!
I like grass but I prefer to harvest mine from the yard!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
That looks vewy delicious and nootwicious too..evewybody is aways saying eat youw awe a vewy good giwl
smoochie kisses
For those who asked these kitty grasses are from Renee's Garden. But I am sure you can find them from other places.
Morning Millie and family
Happy Friday from us hope you have a good weekend. Mine will be iffy I have my annual check up tomorrow.
It will be posted too.
Madi and Mom
Hiya! We saw you on Huffle's page and came on over! You're very cute and we really like your nommies! Stop by and visit us sometime! We LOVE new furrends!!!
the Kool~Kittie~Krew
aka...Skeeter, King, & Pandora
Mmmm, food. :)
I love that also :)
I come over
than we can eat together ^___^
hugs Kareltje =^.^=
Oh I can't believe I am so behind on your posts! That cat grass looks wonderful - I have some I need to plant for our house. I just worry it won't grow well because we don't get a lot of sun. Yours looks good and healthy!
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