My Kitty Grasses:

For Those Who Asked About My Kitty Grasses:
My Kitty grasses came from a seed packet from a hardware store. My mom brought the packet a year ago .... but they grow real good, and they grow fast! Renee's Garden website, unfortunately, says they ship only to the USA and Canada.... you can find them on Amazon too. I think that is not fair to the rest of the world!! Seeds are equal parts rye, oats, barley, and wheat.
The Container: Now we are embarrassed. My mom is just a cheapo! The container is just a half and half container. Her whole "smallish" garden was started in the same type of containers... then transplanted. It is just she has never transplanted these kitty grasses. She loves watching and growing things from seed and will go to great length to avoid buying live plants!
You look tres chic in your hat.
You look lovely in your hat! Hope you have a purrfect weekend!
Hi Millie, Romeo here,,,,,thanks so much for answering my question :) I was away from the computer so I just checked on your answer, came here to reply and saw the info about it here too ... thanks I so appreciate it .. I am the first kitty in this family. They still have a lot to learn about us. I saw you enjoying what your mommy planted and wondered what it is because I never tried it (family wondered if us kitties eat some sort of plants )..SO I had to ask my daddy to ask my family to get me something similar
no worries, there must be something similar a round in our area ... now that I know what it is, it is easier to look for and find it :) we will search for it; search on amazon as well .. can't wait until I try it
That picture of you with the hat looks soo stylish ;) me love it
Youw choice of chapeau is bootiful, you look weady fow a vewy elegant summew
smoochie kisses
Your khat khap looks purrrifikh!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
It's okay to have a Grrrr side now and then. We can't always be sweetness and light! That would be boring.
You look furry cute in your hat!
WE liked the container. Use and reuse!
your hat is nice;) i love it.
Love the hat.. I loved all our hats isn't Zoolatry great..
Its so not fair we cant get the seeds. Yours are great and your mum is so good to get them to grow like that..
Hugs GJ xx
What a great idea - Fashion Friends Friday - how often does this happen?
What a great choice. You look very stylish:) Good luck hiding from the flashy beast this weekend!:)
I'm not worried because I don't even know what half and half is.
Huffle Mawson
You look very stylish in that hat Cheyenne Millie!
your pal,
wow Millie, you are the star, charming and sooo beautiful!
Thanks for the hint about the grass!I need some indeed!
purrs and love from Luxembourg
mommy Léia and Luna
Very summery and very pretty! Our mom is useless when it comes to seed. She doesn't understand why, but she keeps trying. We always buy several pots of grass so it can regenerate.
Cheyenne has such bright eyes! :-)
You're so fashion =)
We loved you in your pretty chapeau. TD got one too - we still have to post about it. Mom's not cheap using that container - just saving the world from more trash:) Too bad the seeds can't go all over the world, lots of kitties out there would love them.
woos, the OP Pack
I didnt see it was a donkey,
( its here early in the morning ...... LOL )
I have change it ^___^
( you are looking great with that HAT :)
Sorry I have missing this post ;)
Anya :)
You look cute in a hat.
Mum might grow me some kitty grass in the spring.
You are beautiful in your hat! And your mom is doing the same thing my dad did when he would grow stuff - start in an old container (milk, half and half, even an old soda bottle cut off) and then transplant. My dad always had good luck that way and I am sure your mom does too!
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