First... Me, practicing my ignoring my mom pose!
Then I want you all to know my friend Kareltje, from
KARELTJE en ikke!!! He tagged me to play the 6th photo game!
The rules are:
Open your photos folder and select the 6th folder.
Then select the 6th photo in that folder and post that photo
along with the story behind the photo on your blog.
Then tag 5 friends.
Opening my 6th folder this is what I found as the 6th photo. This was taken last spring (2008). It is a photo of my human sister Sarah. The humans had all got in the car and gone over to the ocean with Monty. They drove to Goat Rock, near Jenner. It was on a rainy day. To explain this photo better it is best to show the 2 photos that come before and after it.

We are doing this backward since we didn't think right when we downloaded the photos to blogger! The photo below was taken after it. Human sister is walking my Monty Dog in the rain!

This was the photo before it, before Monty Dog got his furs wet in the rain! He is with Grandma in the backseat! He is a very happy dog!

I want to tag the following friends:
A Kitty Named ReeseThe Creek CatsHouse of CatsHuffle MawsonBatu KhanMONTY DOG AND HIS FRIEND
Now.... looky here.... Monty is listening for his neighbor friend.

There is this little tiny, weency, doggy that lives next door! Monty likes to visit it through the fence. He often will go over to the fence and stand there listening to it!

But that is only when he isn't busy! Monty loves his toys! Not even the dog next door will distract him from this tennis ball when he is playing with it!
My human sister, Sarah, took the video with her cell phone... It isn't the greatest ... but it does have sound! You can hear my human sister talking to Monty ... then she is giggling... could be that she is torturing the doggy next door!! For all I know she may be torturing Monty too!