Bad Mommy!! Shame on you!!

But mom, maybe I will forgive you!! But first... why are you trying to take my picture while I am sleeping?

Spooky looks away...

My mom walked My Monty with the candy canes!

Hey there!

Back to my bad mom! How could she!!! Mom forgot my/our Blogversary! We started this blog last year at the beginning of November!! This blog is now 1 year old!! Shame on my mom!!
What are we going to do with them? Our Mom forgot Romeo's birthday, but she was v e r y careful about remembering his gotcha day.
Happy Blogversary :-)
Happy Blog-a-versary!
Here's to many Monty more!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
Happy Blogosversery! WE are sorry your Mom forgot!
Happy Blogiversary!
And many moooorrrrree!
Well, at least she remembered now! Happy Blogoversary! Here's to many more years of blogging!
Happy Blogversary, and may you have another great year online!
That puppy has a very big tongue, I bet you end up very clean when you get a wash!! But who could resist such a cute puppy?
Happy Blogoversary!!!! We made our mum schedule a post for our blogoversary well in advance, so she couldn't forget. Funnily enough, she never forgets her own birthday!
Monty looks very dapper in his candy canes:)
It's hard to get good mums sometimes. But happy blogaversary anyway!
Happy Blogoversary, furiends! We've really enjoyed getting to know you this year!
Oh! How could she forget? That's a milestone!
You should still celebrate. Happy Blogoversary!!!
Happy Blogosversery !
sometimes our mothers are too busy =/
Happy blogaversary!!! Ahhhh give mom a break she has lots to do each day!!!
You all look lovely and happy today.
Have a great weekend,
Madi and Mom
Happy Blogaversary!
I wouldn't be so hard on your Mom...she does a great job posting!
Moms...Happy Blogversary :)
Hi! It's so nice to meet you and I love your kitty blog and your kitty's are just gorgeous along with your puppy dog of course! I see you have a lot of blogsites? Well, I just picked this one out because it stood alone and I am so glad I did! what a wonderful blog and now I am going to be your follower! I have added a PS to my post about what convo means and it just means contact me. It's a lingo Etsy uses and I didn't know what it meant either until I got a shop there. You will have to register to be able to get on the site, but that is free & easy to do and then you can find contact me on the right side of my page. Etsy is actually a really cool place for eye candy of really neat things people make and sell. I just thought I'd have people convo me instead of giving out my e-mail address in the open. If you convo me, then I can send you my e-mail address more safely! I hope to hear from yall soon!
And I'm so happy to have another pet blog to follow....btw... dogs are also allowed in the article!
Linda :)
oh Millie, ConCATulations!
I loved this post with all beautiful pictures!
Your blog is really cool!
purrs and love
MOL Happy Blogoversary! Our mom fergot ours dis year too!! Bean moms sumtimes has so much on dere mind.
Happy Blogversary to you, take it easy on Mom...just reminder her a bit early next year!
Happy belated Blogoversary anyway!
Our blog is also 1 year also in november ^___^
(My Mommy did not forgot it ... LOL)
Up to the second year
Kareltje =^.^=
Congrats ..
Happy blogversary to YOU ...
Happy blogaversary.. I started at about the same time.. Here is to many more.. Hugs GJ x
Happy Blogoversary!!! We wish you MANY, MANY more!!!
Better late than never - Happy Blog-A-Versary!!! Great pics.
woos, the OP Pack
The beginning of November? Your mom is more forgetful than our Jan.
Maybe your Mommy knew she loved you so much--that she just forgot..humans, you know...she'll make it up to you!
Just can't get good help....for example, we're just now getting here to wish you a Happy Blogoversary, 3 days late! Sheesh. But better late than never, we s'pose. So Happy Belated Blogoversary! :)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Happy extremely belated Blogoversary!!
We are super late on visiting your post about your mom being late on reporting your blogaversary - hmm, how does that work out. Anyway we are here to wish you a belated happy belated blogaversary!
Uph.. bring out the party hats! & candy canes, monty. Let's celebrate.. woot woot!
Hap-py Blog-a-ver-sary!
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