I am jealous. As some of you know my mom went visiting a couple of weekends ago. She went to see a ex-roommate that she had in College. But she didn't just see the roommate she saw TC, Genni, Dinky, and Delilah, plus the roommates husband!

Grrrrr!!! First here was the lovely, sleek, black kitty whose name was Delilah (or Dee Dee). She is a manx! But Delilah hid most the first day. Then towards the end of the day she came out. Mom was told that was unusual for her to come out when strangers came visiting. Interesting! Mom was not able to get her own photo of Delilah, so the mom of Delilah sent her this one. Now do you see why I am jealous? Look at those eyes!

Then, my Mom was particularly taken by this one, whose name was TC, those initials were short for Top Cat, Too Cute, or Total Chaos. I am more than a bit jealous hearing how sleek and beautiful he was.... TC spent part of the first night sleeping with my mom! Grrrrrrrrr!!

And see here, Genny, the dog, who mom says was sweet and very alert to everyone and everything! Mom said Genny was a good dog! Do you I think I could like Genny? Well.... I like My Monty sometimes.

Last, but not least was Dinkum, or Dinky. Mom thought it was a cute the way he would look at her when she talked to him. Mom says that Dinky was an older kitty... either 17 or 18 years old! Way to go Dinky!!
I spent some time sniffing out my mom's shoes when she came home!
Your mom is so lucky! Looks like a great visit!
It is nice she fessed up and shared the pikhs!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
Wow, looks like a great bunch of furries!!
What was she thinking ...
Well, it was good that your mom had some kitties and a nice doggy to take care of her while she was gone - I am sure if you had visitors you would show them some niceness too so they wouldn't miss their kitties so much. That is why those others were nice to your mom - so she wouldn't be sad missing you too much!
Hmmm. You just checked them out, didn't pee in them? You're a good kitty.
I will bet she had lots of good smells!
You have nothing to wowwy about. Youw Mom's fwiends fuwwkids awe lovely and I'm suwe dawlings, but hew heawt belongs to yoou
smoochie kisses
Looks like your mom made some cute new friends.
Your Mommy had a great time Millie
she deserve it somethimes ;)
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
Wow, Delilah looks a lot like me!
What a beautiful family. Delilah could probably tell that your mum is a good animal person, and so felt comfy coming out.
It's a happy moment dear Millie, you don't need to be jealous.Wonderful news!
I would like to say again that I visited your mommy's blog and she is soooo creative!
I'm really impressed with her talent!
Congratulations and be happy!
purrs and love
mommy Léia and Luna
Oh Millie
Great pictures of Mom's trip to visit her friend. She met new friends too. I bet you spent the better part of a week smelling all the scent mail mom brought home.
How dare that TC sleep with your MOM!!! HA!! Thanks for sharing the great pictures,
Madi and Mom
Sounds like your mom had a furry pawesome visit. But who did she come home to???
Beautiful kitties and pup. But you do know that Mom came home to the best of all.
woos, the OP Pack
Oh it sounds as though your mum had a lovely visit.. But she came home to give you lots of love... HUgs GJ xx
yeah, i'd be jelly too...at least she brought some smells home for you.
Our Moms may go visiting but they always come home to their one true loves...US!
Awww they are all very cute.Yet your tops in your mom's heart I'm sure.
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