Monday, November 23, 2009

The Little Voice Next Door! And My Silent Video!

I just gotta say this first! I have not been overjoyed by the following.... But Monty was!
Here she is .... the little one from next door! The creature who does an awful lot of barking at everything!
She dug with those tiny little feet, and enlarged a tiny little hole under the fence. Now she can get though the fence and visit.
Here she is visiting Monty!
How little she is! Monty is smitten by her. Fortunately, this visiting thing doesn't happen everyday! Sometimes she finds another hole and visits the doggy next door on the other side of us.



Ellen Whyte said...

Monty is a sweet gentle dog. He could eat that little visitor in one bite!

You should be in the Olympics as Champion Jumper.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

where did you jump to? You are a very good jumper.

That is one little pup next to Monty. He is very nice to tolerate all that noise from such a tiny one.

Woos, the OP Pack

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Monty is such a handsome one!

Your neighbour surely is persistent!

Tank woo fur sharing the leeping video!


Jasmim said...

oh ... this video is so adorable

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Monty is being a good neighbor! Great jump!

The Monkeys said...

You're a fantastic leaper!

Monty's little visitor is adorable!

The Island Cats said...

Hard to believe something so little can make so much noise! And you jump real good!!

tula monstah said...

hey where'd ya go?

very pushy & busy neighbor! next thing she'll be asking to borrow a cup of sugar at 1 in the morning! geesh..

belly rubbers,

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

The dogs are cute, but your jumping is much more impressive, Millie.

Teddy Westlife said...

Surely you must be bigger than that little piece of fluff!

The Creek Cats said...

Looks like Monty has a cute little friend!!!

You are quite the jumper!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I think you could be larger than the little woofie, but oh the yappy one,s so annoy us kitty's.. Impressive jump.. Hugs GJ xx

Bruce said...

Hello all...I'm back. Sharon had to move her daughter & pets back to Florida from TX. Has been a very busy week for her so there was no time for blogging. Thanks for checking up on me.
love ya,

My Mind's Eye said...

You are quite an elegant words needed.
What an itty bitty dog neighbor you have that dug its way into your yard. It must have known that Monty is a nice dog. Monty is trying to figure out what in the world that thing is. HA!!
Great pictures,
Happy Thanksgiving,
Madi and Mom

Anonymous said...

Monty is such a sweetie and she sure is a little woofie. Our grandbeans have a little doggie that looks just like her! And you are an amazing jumper! One sec you were there, the next...POOF! Gone!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure can jump, and that little woofie digs it!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

If Monty was to yawn, he could swallow that little dog and not even know it.

Cezar and Léia said...

The little ones seem to make the most noise! :)
purrs and love

Anonymous said...

Dat woofie is as big as us kittehs, we wonder if it wud be fun to terrorize, uh we mean play wif?