We are telling you!!!

My mom is really goofy lately! Mom has been taking all these pictures. She has about a zillion pictures of me on her bed! And another zillion of everybody else in this house being whose they are! Then she has been making all these posts ... then not posting them! She has over 15 now! I have been asking her ... why are you doing that mom? .... Get this! She says she thinks they are silly's! Such as below! Then she goes and looks at the Internet! She looks at pictures and things ... whatever takes her fancy at the moment! Many long hours!!! Then she has been watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. That is all she wants to watch! She will spend hours and hours looking at it ... wasting her time! I am trying to tell her to stop that! She has all these posts she could be posting ... but no! She thinks she is entitled to waste her time! Then she feels bad about it after she wastes her time! So we are putting our paws down!!! Schools out, its summer school now! Things are different! There is more free time!! So get with it mom!

She calls this Long Arm of the Law! Who's law mom? Jazzie's law?

While she is at it she wants to show off Monty's dirty feet! Whose Feet?
Looks like you've got a leg up on everyone today!
Woo tell her!
More pikhs!
More MONTY pikhs!!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
Your Mom would do well here with our Dad - he loves Star Trek too.
Tell her she can multitask - watch TV AND help with the blog - we need to get our Monty and kitty fixes.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Come on mum we need more pictures.. Hugs GJ xx
Humans - they are impossible to figure out!
Sometimes you just have to put your paw down and remind your mum who the boss is.
Oh Monty, where have you been...just look at those dirty paws!!! We understand your frustration with not blogging enough......our beans just finished screening the deck, mulching and adding new plants......it never ends! Well when it gets to hot to work outside we have her.......you just have to come up with a plan......maybe pull the plug on the TV!=^Y^=
Ha ha! Love the "long arm of the law." Hope you get can get your mom in line!
We think it would be fun to have silly posts! Silly posts with lots of pictures are great! We think that all the pics in this one are super cute! We also think that our mom would watch lots of Star Trek:TNG too if she could - so we can imagine what you are going through!
Wow! We hope we get to see all those posts!!
We hope she learned to toe the line now that you have laid the law down!
I like silly. Bring on the posts!
Sometimes our mom can't get it together for posts either. Other times Baby comes up for cuddles and gets in the way of the keyboard, and she is too irresistible to chase away.
Monty looks like such a happy woofie:) Our mum has been slack too.
Everyone is entitled to a break, so go ahead Mom, you can waste your time if you want to. Have a great weekend & thanks for sharing the photos!
your pal,
You have to rule these mums with a firm paw sometimes.
Hello dear friends,
I think you all have wonderful charming paws!
Cute idea for this post!
happy weekend
purrs and love
Luna - We love Luna
Jazzie I love those long legs....I know you are all enjoying having mom home more...Monty gets more walks and you kitties get more treats and tlc.
Happy Friday,
Madi and Mom
Tell Mom we are waiting to see all the great posts!
cats of wildcat woods
When you get your mom to get going with things, please let me know because I'm going to kick my mom into doing moving faster!! Lots of love, Holly
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