See the Silent Movies! Especially notice our catnip plant just beyond little Reye.
Here is that little Reye in the backyard with Monty and Sandusky! Jazzie is now biggers than that Reye! They still wrestle a lot with each other!
And here is Monty looking little and the paper bag "windsock" looking big .... Ha! Ha! That is something mom made at school for an example for the kids to do for "art". Those windsocks were a big hit with the kids!
Great pics and I liked the videos too! What was that Monty was munching on?
Very sweet videos!
Great pikhs and silent movies!
Of khourse, I'm taken with the star of the last video!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
I love the pics and movies, and I am still tryin to decide...
Do we have same rug???
wif rug-ged lovin from the Luke
We love the pictures and the videos!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Jazzy is turning into a sleek, beautiful kitty! Whether she is getting too big for her pants, however, maybe another matter altogether...
Jazzie is growing up beautifully. We like the videos and the wind sock.
Hello dear Millie!
Jazzie is adorable!
I love the videos, your place is beautiful and I also love that coloured paper art, it's cool!
Have a nice Sunday
purrs and love
I think Jazzie is a very cute girl :)
Jazzie sure is getting big!! Great videos!
Happy Sunday to you all!!
We so enjoyed the pictures of Jazzie she is quite a beautiful panther Cat!!! Very expressive eyes too.
It was good to see everyone out in the yard for a bit of Vit. D and head scratching on the rock. HA
Madi and Mom
Love the videos! You have a nice yard. Jazzie is very cute!
Jazzie has gwown soooo much all of you look gweat and it looks like thewe is tons of fun in youw backyawd
smoochie kisses
Jazzie is becoming a lovely big cat!
cats of wildcat woods
Wowzers, Jazzie is one good-looking kit-cat!
Thanks for stopping by our blog!
Play bows,
Jazzie- your furry shiny and all grown up! bet that windsock could be lots of funballz !
Great pics of Jazzie!!
Cute as ever ...
Jazzie is so cute and I really like her name!
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