We all wish every kitty and doggy out there a happy new year! We hope that you are all well! My mom is not helping me like I wish she would! Such a bad mommie!

Here is Spooky wishing good wishes!

Monty has proved he is a good and patient boy pup!

Me? I am trying to figure this out!

Here is more pictures of the it. Mom has some names she is thinking on.

It came to us from our human sister's job. My Mom isn't real clear about its story, so mom may be correcting some of this later. The story is that a fellow employee thought it was a newspaper in her driveway. She backed up over it. The little one ended up at the vets for awhile. The doctors had to pop one of its hind legs into its socket. It was a couple weeks before mom and human sister and that employee talked about adoption. Then it was a couple of more weeks before it came here. It stayed in Sarah's room that first week. It was suppose to be quiet cause of its medical history. But it was a rascal from the beginning. Now it gets the run of the house all day... but mom has been shutting it up at night in "the room!" I have much more to tell everybody but that will have to be later.
Again we wish you a happy new year!!!
Happy New Year, and we hope little "It" continues to mend well, and that everyone gets along.
Happy New Year! You and Sarah and your Mom were very sweet to take 'it' in and give it a home! We hope it is mending well. We understand about the night time lock up. We did that when we fostered Illyana!
Is it a boy or a girl? You could have a naming competition!
Happy new year to everyone including the mum!
"It" looks like a furry ball of mischief. Must be funny to watch.
We're looking forward to learning the name.
Ahhhhh Millie you have a new member in your family and what a cute little guy he is. He was very lucky to have found a home with you all. We look forward to reading more about him.. kitties make every day a joyful day.
BTW Mom is reading a very good book, 'Homer's Odyssey' by Gwen Cooper. It is about a special needs cat and a true story. She loves it and will probably read it more than one time.
Madi and Mom
Boy --lucky to be a kitty with 9 lives! a naming contest would be funballs!
Wishing you lots of scratchies, treaties, and fun in 2010,
Happy New Year to all of you! The little "it" is very cute!
Maybe you have your own words - RASCAL - "it" is so very cute.
Glad your Mom was able to take
"it" in and give "it" a great home. A great way to start the new year - Happy New Year to all of you from all of us.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Happy New Year!
We think you should call it Rascal
Hey Millie!
Looks like you've got a little one to boss around! That can't be all bad! Glogirly thinks she's super cute... of course. You know how those crazy humans are when it comes to kittens.
Happy New Year!
(Glogirly's Cat)
it looks feisty and cute.
Happy New Year to ALL of WOO!
Poor Monty!
Yet another khritter to khontend with!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty! I khan't wait to hear more about IT!
Happy New Year to all of you. IT looks very cute.
Happy New Year
or in Dutch we say
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar :-)
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)
Happy NewYeaw to al of you!
I'm so glad the woofie is nice to all and that youw Pawents awe so sweet and gave the little black bundle a home..I hope you all become the best of fwiends
smoochie kisses
Someone ran over a black kitten thinking it was a newspaper? Not sure whether this person needs magnifying glasses to drive.
But we're glad the kitten is safe and being cared for now. Are you keeping it?
Nice to meet you all!! Happy new year, and ohhhh...looks like you have a new little addition :). Look forward to seeing more!
Yes, the rumblemum also thinks the new addition is super cute... we wish you a happy new year!!
Hey there! Stopping by to say Happy New Year, we hope it's the best year ever :-)
The new little one will make you get used to him. Trust us.
Hello Kittehs & W00fie - you are da WINNERS of our gift drawing! Please send us an email wif yer mailing address so's we can send yer pressie!
Happy New Year y'all, were purring that things continue to go well!!!
Congratulations to little no name yet "ibk," from "The Boys." And woo hoo for finding his way to Millie's House.
It looks like his new found family is ready to help him learn all the tricks for having a really good time.
Wow, "It" is a cutie.
Concatulashuns on yours biggie win at Kimo & Sabi's.
Wow, you gets a cute noo kittie and a bunch of prizes. Life is good.
Love & Purrs,
Hi everyone, I don't believe we've met before. We read about you over at Kimo & Sabi's blog. Stop over and see us some time.
George & The Crew
And a B~I~G Happy Mew Year to you all too! Can't wait to hear more about "It"
Happy New Year, sweeties! May it be joyous and treat-filled. The It looks cute! Our little Target dislocated a paw in November but is now looking pretty good. Good luck with your new little friend.
Oh my goodness! I what a cute little IT! Bless it's little heart, it really had a rough start! Hopefully it will have no more problems and has mended purrfectly!
Happy New Year, furiends!
Happy New Year to all of you!
And concats on the new addition. What a cute House Panther!
Hi All - we are so behind! We hope you had a happy new year! And boy, that new little guy/girl is a cutie!! We can't wait to hear more about them!
We fink the noo kitteh looks like her name is Sabrina!
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