But those other kitty cats showed him!
Spooky sharpens her claws! Get a look at that tree and Monty!
PS: There has been a lot going on here. Some of it just plain hard, physical work (Mom has been moving stuff into storage... lots and lots of stuff). Then mom just comes home from her job at the school exhausted sometimes. This next week will be particularly hard with the other aide in the classroom just having surgery, and being out.
Those are a lot of leaves in your backyard!
great video ^^
I loved the video and the pics too!
Great videos. WE are sorry it is so hard there! We hope your Mom gets some rest.
Good to see all of you looking so great. Hope life gets simpler for Mom.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Cool vid and nice pics. Sorry to hear it's a tough week. Hopefully next week will be much better!
It does look like you're wearing a lamp shade. Haha! Those are great pictures and videos of you kitties and woofies having fun on your deck.
More Monty!
More Monty!!
More MOnty!!!
PeeEssWoo: We'll be hoping fur some khalm times fur your mom!
We sending your mummy lots and lots of fluffles and rumbles that the week goes well for her.
That's a leafy yard. Here's hoping the mom's life gets a little easier.
Poor mum. She has a lot of stuff going on right now. My mum says hi!
What a super big smile Monty Dog has on there. He looks like one happy boy:)
Hi Millie hope Mom's week isn't too bad at work...at least she has loveling furry babies to give her hugs and kisses. We enjoyed the video. Mom's work is delayed today. Even our Governor asked folks to stay off the road first thing this morning to give the road crews time to spread salt and sand. Madi and Mom
We don't blame you for being miffed - that looked fun outside!
MOnty is beautiful!
Love your video Millie, thanks for sharing!
Those fall pictoowes awe soo cool..I love cwunchy leaves and wish that season would last longew.
I know all of you will be able to help youw Mom and cheew hew doowing hew stwessful days..
Sometimes hoomans days get too hectic.
smoochie kisses
Fun video and great photos!!!
Hey, I just set up new Twitter & Facebook Fan pages, so if you haven't already, come by my blog and click on the badges to join in on the fun!
(Glogirly's cat)
We loved the videos.
The videos are great! We hope things get a bit easier for your mom - work is so stupid sometimes!
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