But we thinks actually thinks it is more than that flashy box. It has been a hard week. But we are looking up! We are thinking positive for Laska, Khyra's mom has kept us all informed. And we woo in our heart for Dakota.
PS: Khyra's mom posted an update and wonderful news... Laska is home!!! Yahoo! Where was he all week long?
It must be a very sleepless time...Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrz=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
I hope Laska is found and I just sent my meow to Dakota's family.
That was very nice of you to mention them in your blog today.
your friend,
We hope you get dome rest
get your rest
I don't know where Laska was but I am glad he is home safe now!
Huffle Mawson
Why does the flashy box come flashing whenever we are snoozin'? Without fail!
I know just what you mean...The flashy box is always there when you try to rest.. shhheesh..
Wonderful news about Laska.. I agree.. where has the little tinker been..
Hugs GJ xx
GREAT news about Laska ^___^
Lovely shots today,
I have also days that I not want on the camera ;)
Kareltje =^.^=
It has been a diffikhult and challenging week! Trying to keep my mom cheered up was FURRY HARD TO DO!
Tank woo fur all your kind words and support!
We hope you all can get some rest! We're gonna go over and check on the Laska update!
Great news! Hooray for Laska's return!
You all look cute and tired. Please tell Monty that he's now a tail chaser. If he want it, he can snag the logo from our blog...
wow fabulous news, so nice to know about Laska!
Great shots Millie and I totally agree with you it's hard don't get some insomnia with this terrible flash box!
purrs and love
Luna(from Brazil) :3
We are glad to hear that Laska is home!!!
We don´t like that flash box too when we want to rest.
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Thank you for your love for Dakota. And wasn't the Laska news the best thing ever!!! We are so happy he is safe. Hope you get some sleep - this HAS to be a better week.
woos, the OP pack
Glad to hear that Laska was found. Thanks for passing on the good news:)
Good news about Laska! I would lose sleep too. I'm so glad you can catch up now. xoxo
Hope you have some awesome snoozes, you guys! Sleeplessness is no fun
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