Mom! I hope you don't suspect me?

Looks like someone else's mess!!

I don't do those kinds of things either you know!
Sandusky looks super innocent! Not me he says!

We thinks it was Monty! It happens sometimes when all the humans leave the house and don't take him with them. We cats never do that! We can handle an afternoon alone very well! In fact an afternoon alone can be refreshing!
I hate to point the paw but I think Monty could be in trouble here.
Huffle Mawson
what a mess......... LOL
My Mom sad I make always mess ;)
purrsss to all Kareltje
Life is suppose to be messy! It's no fun to be clean all the time!
We would never suspect kitties of doing that. Of course it was the woofie. You can blame Monty too if any of you were to do something like that, which of course you wouldn't.
Oh no! Hire an investigator!
U have been tagged!
Come to my blog to find out!
Uh oh! We have one of those in this house too... Dixie Dog. Maggie May also likes to shred paper for some reason!
If you wants my opinion, I say that kind of shredding requires opposable thumbs...you all are in the clear.
Oh dear I think the face said it all..
Hope he was forgiven..
Hugs GJ xx
I am almost certain the doggie must have done it!
Luke & OBI are stickin' up for Monty! We have to admit, he has very innocent eyes......but it can't be Millie, she is way to cute to do that...no if a window was opened even a crack...go for that=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Just like a bunch of siblings! Mot Me, must have been.....
You do look very innocent.
What a mess! LOL
Poor Monty...He looks so upset!But Millie I know that you are a good friend and can comfort him!
Lovely pictures!
Luna ( and mommy Leia )
Is that shredded paper? Dante loves to shred paper.
I do believe I rekhognized that masterpiece to be the work of a khanine!
Sure, blame the poor pup, you innocent-looking kitties - beautiful thought you be. Poor Monty - how could you think such a thing of him?
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Oh! With the face of "I am so sorry" your mother will not do anything against you =)
Jas & Gi
Always blame the woofie!
OMC! You has kitties and woofies too! I is havings a Next Dog Model contest maybe Monty would likes to enter da contest! Sees my blog for details.
Its always da woofies fault if you has one to blame! hehehe
Its nice to meets all of you, I hopes you comes by my blog.
You do look innocent. I frequently get blamed for things I didn't do!
Hiya - I just gave your blog an award - check it out:
Who could it have been? You all look innocent.
Oops, papers gets shredded here too, especially t.p.! I guess you could say we "tp'd" the house! We just found your blog and signed up to follow, and we look forward to getting to know you!
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