Mom wants to thank all those who wrote wishing her daughter well. Thanks for all the purrs!! Apparently, it was a bad case of stomach flu. Sarah is feeling much better now, and went to work today. Though, we are telling her to not to over do it!
In the picture of me I am watching mom take my picture! Picture of Monty dog is from about a month ago, Sarah and Monty on a walk.
Do you hate the flashy beast as much as I do?
Huffle Mawson
Two lovely pictures. You are looking a lot like me when the flashy beast comes out. " what more pictures" lol
Glad the bean is so much better, tell her to take care.
Hugs GJ xx
We are happy to hear that Sarah is feeling better. Make sure she doesn't push herself too hard, and please give her some smooches from us :)
I'm so glad she's feeling better:)
Wonderful news!
A big kiss for your sister and purrs for you!
Luna ( and mommy Léia )
More Monty!
More Monty!!
More Monty!!!
PeeEssWoo: I'm glad she's better!
I am glad to hear that your human sister is better and that it was only the flu. Flu is no fun but at least it goes away pretty quickly. I like the picture of you watching the picture being taken! And that is a nice picture of Monty and your sister!
We are soooooooo happy
to hear that its going better :)
But take care.......
Beautiful pictures ^_^
puurrss to all =^.^=
We are glad Sarah is better. Good pictures!
So glad she is feeling better! Stomach flus are no fun at all!
All the pics are just great- and we are so glad your daughter is feeling better.
Woos, the OP Pack
What great news that she is feeling better. Stomache flus are the worst.
Glad the girl bean is feeling better!
You look good there, too!
You have very pretty eyes. Are they green? Glad that everyone is feeling better!
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