Monday, February 20, 2012

Yahoo!! We Made it!! Post 300!

YIKES! What a face!!
Grrrr! I only had to, use one laser eye on my mom to get her to post!
We thinks we will reconsider our grade we gave her! We raise it from a D minus to a C minus! Mostly cause she went from posting 1 day a week to sometimes 2 a week!
But her picture taking abilities could be improved on! She claims part of the problem is that she needs a new camera! There are streaks in the view finder! Making it hard to take pictures. Also... she only has 1 card and could never gets a replacement... unless she paid an arm and a leg.... Hmmm! Really mom? ... an arm and a leg? A Silly Dog!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentine!

Happy Valentine's Day to all!!

We Love Our Monty

We loves you Monty!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

My Hindsides!

I am a floofallla girl! No explainations!
Monty is a floofalla boy!
Sometimes it is a burden to be so furry!
That's what Mom call floof-a-lishious!

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Randomness of Our Lives!!

We are indundated with baby stuffs! It is everywhere!! All this and more for the little one!

But don't look at the baby stuffs!! ... Look at The Beauty Queen!

She rules the household!! ...... when she isn't hiding under a bed!!
Of course! I am hard to get! Mom must work for my photo! She has to crawl around on the floor sometimes, and peek under tables, and behind boxes!

That's Yellow Boy... Sandusky, Ohio!! His really true name!!
Another yellow boy!!
Add ImageWe leaves you with a picture of mom's first grandchild!
Add ImageAdd ImageAdd Image

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We Won a Giveaway!!

I wanted to make sure that mom mentioned this! So, I won'ts lets her gets in bed till she does!
We won Pasticcio Quartz Issue 12 from Angela Cartwright giveaway! It just so happened that mom was signed into my blog when she entered the give away! Thank you Angela!!
No Monty! No need to worry... we are not giving you away!! Never, ever, ever!!!