I am protesting today! Mom! You are just too slow! We only haves 7.... MEOW... Get that? 7 more posts and we will have reached 300!... But you just drags your feet! So we give you a bad grade! You needs to work harder!

We are all a bit miffed with mom!

Yikes! Would you looks at that Laser Eye!!!!

Aim it at mom! OK Sandusky? Maybe it will wake her up! Sandusky is behind the human sister Sarah in this picture... mom is not so young and beautify!
Haha! You're gonna burn a hole in her head, Sandusky!
Millie, I can tell you're not too please with your mom. Moms can be such slackers when it comes to blogging. My mom definitely is.
Those are quite the lasers, Sandusky!
That's life for ya, it's always getting in the way of serious blogging, sweet Millie=^Y^=
Oh no, not the laser things!!!
It's so hard keeping these moms of ours on the ball with our blogging!
Keep her up at night! Then she'll have nothing else to do BUT blog.
Yikes! We have never seen such a deadly laser eye!
At least you know hoe many posts you have. Our Mom is such a slacker that she can not tell us how many we have done! Sister Sarah is very pretty!
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