The last picture first!!! Just to assure you that Monty survived the ordeal! Hmmm, that poor dog had a baths!

This is last year.... but it could be tomorrow or the next day.

Mom just gaves Monty a furcut. Usually a furcut is followed within a week by a baths!! Yuck! I am happy this never happens to me!
This is why we are glad we are cats and not woofies, because woofies hafta get baths and us cats don't. We're happy Monty survived.
We think dogies do not mind baths like we kitties do!
Poor woofie... but we did laugh so much at that first photo!
Baths aren't that bad and then you smell all good and stuff and get lots of hugs....I'm just saying'....it's worth it!
Ha, ha, ha....did you guyz get wet from the woofie shaking? ICE just got his shower and cut Sunday. Mom had to trim his ear furz short so he looks like a puppy with very tall legs=^Y^=
oh gosh...a bath!
But I imagine he smells great!
Baths is a dirty word in my house....
Monty is so sweet that he probably forgives immediately. I'm not that sweet but I'm clean. I take many baths a day!
Poor Monty. Baths are No Good.
It looks Monty is a pretty good sport about having a bath. (Well, at least he is after the bath. During the bath might be different story.) He looks very handsome with his furcut too.
MOL Monty...you had to get all those clean odors off ASAP!!
Mom and I are back in the saddle albeit Mom is sitting a tad crooked.
Hugs Madi
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