A young Monty with a younger Grandma in the background.

Here is Mama Boots ... a girl after my own heart ... she loved to eat! She lived with mom and the human sister Sarah, in Angwin, then a short time in Napa. She was mama to Tiger. She was a very sweet quiet kitty!

Dandelion, mom's sweet baby girl! This kitty adored my mom and followed her everywhere. Mom wishes now she had more pictures of her. She lived to be 17 years old. When mom had to have her put down she was horrified and surprised to find out she only weighed 3 and a half pounds.

And the baby Jazzie, having to have the last word as usual!
It's great to see old friends!
Sweet memories!
Those are very cute pictures, especially baby Monte=^Y^=
Thank you for visiting on my 4th birthday. We hope to get back in the swing of things soon.=^Y^=TyGr
It's good to remember the one who came before. Monty was a cute baby!
We love to memeber those that came before too - we may has to borrow this idea fer our bloggie sum day.
Jazzie, is ok to has the last word, kittehs shud always has that honor!
Those are such cute pictures and that Baby Jazzie was really talking!
Great pics! Thanks for sharing!
Great trip down memory lane!
Nubbin wiggles,
What wonderful pictures of Monty Jazzie and the kitties who came before you.
Jazzie is the spokesperson of the house.
Oh those are wonderful pictures of the kitties from before. Our mom understands about wanting to have taken more pictures - she is the same way about the oldest cats because there aren't any before a couple years back. All the pictures are very cute!
Young Monty - so cuuuuute! And love the last word Jazzy!
Jazzie is cute! I love these pictures, thanks for sharing!
Dandelion looks just like our old puss, who died in February this year. She was nearly 19. We now have a new kitten, but still remember Copper affectionately. I have heard that tortishells do live a long time.
It's always great to go down memory lane and see old friends from the past. Such wonderful photos of past kitties. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals
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