Mom could not resist this!! She found this invitation to a Cyber Masquerade Ball on Geogypsy's Blog! Cool! She is sure this is her once in a life time chance to go to a ball! We here at our house told her she needed a chaperone! You know Mom! After the ball we want you home in one piece!! I had a hard time with this mask! Jazzie insisted on this chicken hat!! Silly girl! Guess who!! Monty and Raye were the coachmen!! What?!! A pumpkin coach!! This was the location!! Mommy's dress was furry pretty! With lots and lots of fabric!! The ballroom was lovely!! Gold??? I had to encourage my mom not to be a wallflower!! She was in line behind this girl!! Hmmmm! I am not sure about that man! Be careful Mom!! Mom likes fruit bowls! Jazzie and I found some tuna!!
I loved this singer! I couldn't agree with her more!! Mom didn't try the bubbles... she says she is a tea person! We made it home after midnight! BTW Jazzie lost her chicken hat! She was zonked!! All in all... it was a wonderful evening!! Now I must get my beauty sleeps!! We here are wishing all of you a wonderful and safe New Year!!
PS: All the images that you see in this post were from the Internet! With the exception of us ... mom's sweet babies!
Hmmmm! I thoughts I heard something! Did you? I have been a good kitty all year... I haves nevers intentionally chased another kitty in this house! I am not like Jazzie who will pounce at a moments notice! I am fastidiously clean! I do not steal anybody's food! I have heard mom tell that Monty stole mom's piece of pizza a couple of months back! And Jazzie has put her nose into mom's plate of food on more than one occasion! He looks innocent doesn't he?
Hey! There I am in the middle!! My mom put our picture in one of the Star Trek Enterprise fan mosaics! Now we are part of the Star ship Enterprise! My mom is so silly! If you like you can us find at this page ... you can just biggify that space ship Enterprise and if your 'puter works like ours you will find us 6 to the left of a beautiful white kitty!! Yes!!! There are other kitties besides me beside me onboard The Enterprise!!
Now you all know how crazy my mom is about Star Trek!
For those who needs a Monty Fix! I lets mom put up this of Monty under the pine tree!
These are some of last summer's flowers that mom grew from seed!
Now Me!! My favorite place is my mom's bed! Shame on her ... she covered the pillows with a sheet!!
I did stare at my mom while my mom laughed and giggled though MY photoshoot! Silly mom! I loves looking into my mom's eyes! And she says mine are the prettiest eyes!! My next post I will show you what my mom did with this picture!
This is not a joke!! Monty thinks every joke is on me!
Would you just looks at what kind of housekeeper my mom is!
She says when she gets off work, runs to the grocery store, comes home and cleans the cat boxes, washes dishes, does laundry, plus even some cooking, she runs out of energy!! Ok mom! I will forgives you for the furs and stuffs on the floor! Just so long as no one says it is mine exclusively!
Update on the baby.
He came home Sunday afternoon. Mom (the new grandma) thinks he is adorable. Grandma, (Great grandma) thinks the same! Today at the doctors he weighed only 5 pounds 7 ounces. He is still very tiny! He will be officially 2 weeks old tomorrow morning!
We hopes that our friends have not forgotten us! We want to thank all for their prayers and purrs. We have had a lot going on here this last week. The human sister had her baby on Wednesday morning. The doctor recommended a C-Section. This caught everybody by surprise. Mom has been spending time visiting both her daugther and the newborn boy at the hospital. They named him John. Mom thinks he is cute! He is in the Infant Intensive Care Unit right now. But he seems to be doing really well.
Mom has her own secret name for him. Jazzie will be most interested in seeing this new born since she is a most curious cat!
In the meantime... I am always watching my backside! Literally! That dog Reye chases me! And I usually run! Mom says I shouldn't! Then Jazzie Jessie loves to torment me when I am anywhere near my mom! She doesn't want me near mom!
Even Monty gets nipped by THE REYE!!
Here Reye looks bigger than she really is! I thinks Monty doesn't know what to think! We will be around to visit as we are able.
Not now mom! Maybe you could find another kitty who will lets you take her picture! Oh my! The choices a kitty must make! Computer time, or comedy classics! And Monty will always let you take a picture!
The last picture first!!! Just to assure you that Monty survived the ordeal! Hmmm, that poor dog had a baths!
This is last year.... but it could be tomorrow or the next day. Mom just gaves Monty a furcut. Usually a furcut is followed within a week by a baths!! Yuck! I am happy this never happens to me!
Jazzie here! Grrrrr!!! They still are talking diet!! I say it is not fair!! The one below needs a diet too! Oh!!!!!!! Poor Monty!!! You too!??! I feels for you! .... And lets not forget my Grrrrrr.... sister Cheyenne-Millie!! Mommie says her too! The other three are skinny's.
Still those flowers from last year!! Flowers! Flowers! Flowers!! Sniff, sniff, sniff!!! Just one lingering whiff mom!!!!!!!!!