Hey everybuddie!! We wants you to know!! We won
The Creek Cats CSN Giveaway! So from all of us to all of you at
The Creek Cats! We thank you very much!!! Hey! If you haven't been to their blog before you can go visit them by clicking on their name above... they have a real interesting blog!

Hmmmm! I want you to know that my mom is cold!! All the way down to her toesies!!

And so this means when my mom is cold... I am cold too!!!

For those of you who needs a Monty fix!! This is an older picture... Monty and the human sister on a walk in Angwin. Sometimes this field has bunches of cows!

Isn't he cute! We thinks that is Reyes ear up in the left hand corner! She is always whizzing by!
PS: Mom is off 2 extra days this coming week ... the entire school district is enforcing furlough days. Mom complains that this is making her paycheck smaller... Hmmmm! At least she has a job!! Count your blessings mom!
Can you tell me ..... do furrr-low days haves anything to do with 4 footed creatures???
Concats on winning the giveaway.
Our mum gets cold toesies in bed but she warms them up on our dad. He doesn't like when she does that.
Congrats on the win! You look so cute cuddled in that bright blue blanket. Yep, Monty looks cute too. :)
Congratulations on the win!!! That's always fun!! Monty looks very cute as do you!!! Mom used to work at the School Board here and got lots of time off at holidays but they got paid back then to take the days off (a very long time ago...kind of hard to believe now). She imagines now everything is cut way back unlike it used to be. Stay warm!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Congrats on winning the CSN giveaway!!
We are cold over here too ...
Congwatulations on youw win and how gweat to hhave youw Mom hime fow two extwa days..I'm vewy glad she has a job, but having hew home will be gweat fow all you fuwwkids
smoochie kisses
Mommy sticks her cold toesies under US!
Congratulations on the win. We love the Creek Cats.
Mom says that is a great kholour!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty! It is always nice to see pikhs of woo!
Wonderful news dear Millie, and I'm also so happy that your mammy is working!Monty is adorable!
purrs, love and "bon dimanche"!
Hooray for winning, you will have fun shopping!!!
Congratulations on your win. Our mum gets cold feets in bed and she tries to get us to lay on them to warm them - haha!!
We can't wait to see what you guys get with your giveaway coupon!!!
Concats on winning the CSN giveaway! Lovely pictures of all of you. Enjoy the extra time with your mom. Purrs-
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
Good morning Millie et al!!
One time light years ago, Mom told me she took my human sis in for a well baby check up. The dr. asked mom if she new the definition of 'sweater'. Mom said no, he said 'a sweater is what Mom puts on baby when mom is cold'. Your post reminded Mom of that. Congrats on your present from Creek Cats.
Last year at Christmas Mom had to take furlough days too.
Hugs Madi and Mom
Congrats on winning! That is awesome news.
Hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
your cat pal,
We told Teri she could borrow one of our heating pads for her feets which get cold when she is on the computer for hours...
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