Mom got a new laptop! How could she haves an excuse now? I tell you... sometimes I thinks she just will use any old excuse! So I am yakkity, yakkity to her today... about posting at least twice a week! I am laying down
And we are happy to report that Monty got his bath... But no stinkys bubbles baths for him!

Hmmm! She isn't as close or as big as she looks. It is really a trick of the camera!!!

One of mom's sunflowers! See below THE LOOP!
Hooray for the new laptop!!! I really liked your loop d loop!
Hi Millie, I am a long time follower and first time commentor. Your blog is a blast.
What prompted me to comment is my concern about your doggie bro's eye. I am not sure if I see what is known as a white replex in his right eye? Please ask the VET to check his eyes at the next visit////
How wonderful to get a new laptop!!! Yeah!!!! We love your loop show...that is just pawesome!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
Hey, we like that loop...lots of good pictures of all of you!!
New laptops are a lot of fun!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty! Hope the bath wasn't too horrible!
Hi, Cheyenne, you're beautiful even when you're yakkity, yakkity. MOL!
Anonymous...thanks for following my blog, and thanks for your comment!
Our Monty is in fact "blind" in his right eye... though he can see some, we were told shadows. He has had surgery for a detached retina twice.... about 7 years ago. He has been seeing a doggy eye doctor for twice a year now for about 7 years. He will have to have eye drops for that eye for the rest of his life. Mom has often wondered if any one could tell his right eye was different from his left eye. Biggifying his pictures one can tell there is a difference. We have to be careful when walking him at night. He has run into parked cars and other stuff. The bad humans one time forgot to put his medicine in his eye for awhile and his eye got worse... red and weepy. They had to take him into the eye doctor extra for that. Thanks again for noticing and commenting.
Hooray a new laptop!
I 100% agree with you we have to keep the Moms on their toes!!!
Fuss at them and give them the the pieces of our minds we are not using.
Tell Monty he smells very nice...
I see you kitties hid under the bed to avoid the dreded bath.
Hugs Madi and we hope Mom has a good week at school
Very cool, my friend!
We loved your loopy loop of pictures and so pleased you have a new laptop too.
We are sorry to hear that Monty dog has got a poorly eye.
The sunflower is magnificent dear Millie, and I'm so happy mommy there has a new laptop!
Please forgive my late comments, my mommy is also busy with her homeworks and French classes, but I'm very happy now visiting you!
I'm always thinking of my friends!
purrs and love
Sorry about that bath thing, Monty.
Beware... THE PAW!!! Cause it holds...THE CLAW!!!!
We think it is great that your mom got a new laptop! We are so behind - we didnt even realize it was broken before! But we are just glad we finally got over to visit you!
WE understand about moms not doing what you want them to - our mom is ok about posting, but with visiting, well, we should have a different mom for that part because ours is so bad!
Enjoy the new laptop!!!
New laptop!!!!!
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