Lucky Monty!! his bath was delayed! The washing machine broke. Mommee has been spending hours and hours at the laundry mat. The people came out to repair it 4 or 5 times now in the last 4 weeks! It is under "expert repair plan"... which doesn't seem expert at all, but, at least so far, is not costing!! The one repair man says the other repair man put in parts wrong!! So he had to order more parts to fix what the other repair man did! Mom is just thinking it is about time to go out and get a new washing machine... cause the machine has now developed a leak.... which wasn't there before!

Anyways, mommie always gives him a rubdown after a bath. But if mommie can't wash Monty's towels she says she isn't going to give him a bath! Monty is happy about that, HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the meantime! Me? I just think she isn't paying enough attention to my blog! So I just haves this running conversation with her about that!!

Mom says I just talkity and talkity on and on!

It is just a heart to heart talk with you mom! MOM, please write on my blog! OK??
Hey, it must have worked, good job!
We hope the washing machine soon gets fixed. We are glad you explained that Monty's bath was delayed because the towels can't get washed. We thought it was because he had to be washed in the machine. Eeek!
Love the post!!! We sure hope the washing machine is fixed soon. Mom used to go to the laundry mat for decades...talk about work!!! Monty is smiling though!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom
We hope you get mom's attention to blog more!
It sure looks like Monty is happy the washing machine broke so he didn't hafta have his bath! But we bet your mom sure would like it fixed!! We hope it's fixed soon!!
Go Monty!
Go Monty!!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
Dear Millie,
I'm so happy visiting you, I've missed you so much!
Poor mommy there, it's complicate things those laundries.I'm sending good energies and I hope she is now more calm and take a rest after all hard work.
Hugs and purrs
Love always...
Sometimes you have to have the hard conversations with your mum, Cheyenne.
We hope your washing machine is repaired properly soon - Monty looks quite happy tht you can't wash his towels.
Yes, it's pretty obvious Monty is happy about no bath. He has a big smile on his face. I hope your washing machine is fixed soon. It sounds like a lot of work for your poor mom. Cheyenne, you sure are chatty. Looks like it worked becuase you have a blog post. It was nice seeing you again!
Hi all,
Mom said she feels your pain at the laundromat. Oh my gosh our washing machine broke one time years ago in the middle of the spin cycle. Mom and Dad had to take 2 tons of wet laundry to the laundromat, in garbage bags on what they said was the hottest day of the summer. Madi
A washing machine that doesn't work isn't good....I know Beth wouldn't be happy if that happened....Seems like you know how to get your mommy's attention!
At first, I fought Monty got a baff in a machine... but then I realized that no, he may just be an expert at disassemblin home appliances as a distraction technique! Good job, Monty! I'm takin notes!
wif love from the Luke
Doing laundry is no fun - we sympathize with your mom!
Oh Monty woo are a lucky guy! stinky but lucky:) that is a bummah having a broken wash machine-- the laundry mat, uggh. plz report to bloggieland stat!
Hoping your washer gets fixed and we know that Monty is glad it isn't working! And we love your heart to heart!
This is a great blog entry - love seeing you so chatty!!
There ya go girl, your wish has been granted.......your pretty face is very purrrrsuasive!=^Y^=
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