I wanted to play the name game ... before the Fourth of July was too far gone in the past! My mom is always sooo slow!! But here is some stories behind how we came by our names.

Most our names originated from cities or place names in the USA. My name is of course is from Cheyenne, Wyoming! Mom thinks of me as her little wild Cheyenne. A favorite place of moms! I am also called Cheyenne Millie, and Millie. Mom's favorite teddy bear when mom was growing up was one she called Millie. Does that mean that I am mom's teddy bear? I was borned here in Napa across the street from this house.

Spooky was named after Spokane Washington! A place the humans have seriously thought of moving to one day! They gotted her about the same time they made a journey up to Spokane. She was borned in Angwin, CA. She is human sister's kitty.

With Jazzie they broke the mold! Mom tossed around some names some of them cities and towns but Jazzie just didn't seem to fit any of them! She was borned in Napa, CA and lived as a stray for the 1st few months of her life!

Reye is named after
Point Reyes National Seashore, where she was found running down the road. If you have ever been to Point Reyes there you knows how desolate Point Reyes can be. The humans assume she was born at Point Reyes National Seashore. But someone could have dumped her there. After some inquiries it was determined that no one was looking for her. She wasn't chipped or anything.

Sandusky was named after Sandusky, Ohio! He is the only one of us who was not born in California! He was born in Williamsport, Pennslyvania. Mom brought him in her van 15 years ago to California. Passing near Sandusky, Ohio on her way she loved that name... also... I have to tell you among my mom's favorite movies is That Touch of Mink... the character that Doris Day plays in that movie comes from Sandusky.

Monty was named after Montpelier, Vermont ... but then mom has always thought of him as a Monty! Monty was borned next door to this house. The humans living next door were calling him Chunk Butt. Mom absolutely rejected that name. He was originally human sister's dog but over the years he has become everybody's!
PS: Mom is taking this time to revel/bask in her favorite movies. She mistakenly believes the movie mentioned below is really her third favorite movie... an Alfred Hitchcock movie called Marnie. But I know different. Mom is in love with Sean Connery! Come on mom!! Fess up! Marnie is your favorite movie!

The link will take you to one of mom's
favorite scenes in the whole movie! Mom calls it Sean Connery to the rescue scene!
PS: Spooky's original name was Gwendolyn when she was living with her Foster Family here in Napa. Hmmm! She looks more like a Spooky to me! My mom is getting forgetful thus this PS!!
That was so cool how y'all got your names, thanks for telling us you stories!
That was very interesting to learn how you all got your names.
What a fun and infowmative bloggie I love how all of you gots youw namese and what a wondewful household you must have..a pawfectly bootiful family..i wish you liv ed closew so ui could come kiss you all.
smoochie kisses
pee ess Mommi has the same cwush on Mw Connewy, hehehehe(but Mommi is soo old, she's no competition so don't wowwy, hehehe)
That is great to know how everyone got their names!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Awesome post about all of your names! What fun to have such meaning behind each name. It was also good to learn how you each came to live with your mom.
Mama loves That Touch of Mink too!
We enjoyed learning about how you all got your names!!
Well, better late than never, we loved hearing how you all got your names. We would never have guessed Montpelier for Monty. Mom is from western Mass. originally, not that far from VT.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What great names fur so many reasons!
It was also khool woo let your mom reveal her movie stuffs too!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty!
What sweet stories my friends, and we do think you're a cuddly teddy Millie!
The name game has been a lot of fun to learn how everyone got their moniker.
huh. your names all make sense now! still can't believe how big woo's family is! i'm sure there's nevah a dull moment:)
Bonjour sweet Millie!
It's so interesting, I enjoyed a lot this post, about your names.Friends from CALI, such a wonderful place!
Your name is just perfect for you sweetie!Adorable!
purrs and love
Luna - We love Luna
That's awesome how you got your names!
Love the history of the names - lots of fun!
We lubs these types of memes! Fanks fer sharin wif us all.
That is so cool to read how you all got your names! We are like you - we are posting our name game tomorrow because we didn't want to get too far from the 4th with it! And we have to say we think you have much more interesting name stories then we do.
Hi Millie, Spooky, Reyes, Jazzi, Sandusky and Monty...I hope I got you all. What an absolutely GREAT name post. I've often wondered how you got your lovely names. Tell mom she is Queen of the Name Game.
Mom's best friend as a child was named Marne (I don't know why they didn't spell it Marnie).
Happy Weekend,
Madi and Mom
Wow - that was a great read. Hey, my Mommy spent a lot of her summers in Sandusky - her Dad was from there and she loved going to Cedar Point all summer long!
We loved hearing about how you all got your names too.
Mommy only named one furkid after a place and for only the reason that she wanted to visit, Raleigh, NC.......Raleigh was our humans rescued Collie in the other house. Movies, Moms old fav, Breakfast at Tiffanys .....newer is, You've Got Mail. Mommy now recommends the movie, Hachi with Richard Gere, for all woofie lovers=^Y^=
Great stories - we like how you are all place names. We played the name game too.
cats of widlcat woods
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