Thursday, April 1, 2010


We were tagged for a game by our friend Crystal. Thank you for thinking of us Crystal!! .... But of course you must first look at me if only for a moment!! I will look back at you.

The Rule of the game is to open your first photo folder, post the 10th photo and the story behind it and then tag 5 or more kitty's or doggy's to play! But mom bended the rules of this game. The first few albums were of pictures that mom saved off the Internets for art ideas when she draws and paints. So she went backwards and choose to use the 10th photo in the 10th from the last album.

Below is the 10th photo in the album. It is of Monty trying to push the door open so he can comes into the bedroom. To explain better we will show you the photo after and before.

Look at that!!!
There she is ... Jazzie Jessie! She was shut in the bedroom for the first 3 weeks she was here! And Monty used to wait at the door for a chance to see her!

Here is the picture after Monty has got the door open! Can you see Jazzie's eyes looking upwards ... somewhere down below Monty's nose? She just loves Monty, then and now!

We have seen the 10th photo meme on lots of blogs. We don't know who to tag! We are sorry's if you would like to do this and don't name you. If you would like you may do it too!!


My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Millie and all, Boy that Jazzie has a nice set of pearly whites.
I guess they show up so much because she is all black.
We love all the pictures.
Madi and Mom

Love Meow said...

That's a really fun game. I LOVE the pictures :). Monty and Jazzie are sooo adorable!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I really enjoyed the pics too!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That's a great photo, Millie AND a wonderful story to go along with it. How sweet that Monty is so fond of Jazzie!]

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The pikh is furry nice -

Of khourse, it is MONTY!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty! My word is RAMBO!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

This game is so brilliant, it's cool to see other people's photo picks!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Very cute picture story!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

That is so sweet that tiny Jazzie took to big Monty right away, and that they still love each other.

Anya said...

Very funny game :-)
Love the photo's ....

Have a wonderful Easter Weekend
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=

SeaThreePeeO said...

Great pictures! Reminds me of when Shen was desperately trying to make friends with Charlie and Lola and they were having non of it.

They're all friends now though.

Anonymous said...

Sweet photos of the two of them! Hope you have a Happy Easter!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh those are cute pictures and a great story. It is nice that they really get along so well. You can tell in the last picture that she really likes Monty.

And of course your photo is beautiful as well Millie!!

Anonymous said...

Jazzie and Monty look like great pals.
Life is better on 3 legs than 4
-thanks for the blogature.

Snowy and Crystal said...

awwwh we looooved all these pictures. Monty looks super adorable and smart trying to open the door. My brudder, Snowy, is good at that too ^_^

Millie, Millie, I did look at ya.. you sure were looking back at me :D

wet licks


The Island Cats said...

What a sweet picture of Jazzie and Monty!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

That's a sweet story and sequence of pictures. We can tell from the pictures that Monty and Jazzie Jessie really like each other.

Christine and FAZ said...

What wonderful pictures. I just popped by to wish you happy Easter. Birks sends his purrs to you all too but I am not very happy with him as he woke me up this morning at 4 am for a game of chase. The humans had to shut us in separate rooms to stop the mayhem. FAZ

Scout and Freyja said...

Wishing you a Hoppity Easter that is eggs-tra special☺

Vicki said...

This is a great game! Love the photos you shared....

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

smart dogs,
love the impression of your pets.