My handsome brother Monty!

What was that dog drinking?? Oops!!! It is only water in an old 7up bottle!

The wild eyed brother on a walk in Angwin!

Note my paw!! I have been practicing making it look bigger so I can swat some cat!! See "that cat"Jazzie below, then see me again!

I am still with my mat!

My mom made this at work.... it was an nameplate example for the kids to do their own names. She used my name! Just flour, water, salt, and some
tempera paint.
Aww, you wouldn't really swat, would you?
Jazzie Jesse is so cute - why would you want to swat at her?
Monty, we just love your big, happy smile.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Monty seems to be very happy!
That Monty is a happy doggie! Your MOm did a good job with your name!
Hey Handsome!
Woo don't need to tell the khats why woo are soo happy!
PeeEssWoo: Nice swatty paw!
Your mom did a very nice art of your name!
Every time Jazzie goes near you, show her your new sign and tell her who is boss!
oh dear Millie, your mommy is so talented, it's a wonderful artwork!Cute!
Also I liked a lot Monty's pictures, he is adorable!
purrs and love
Luna - We love Luna
Monty looks like he is laughing. He has a very happy face. We like the sign with your name on. You should put it in your favourite nap spot so no-one else goes there.
Hi Millie
Good job on setting the boundaries early on with Jazzie!!! I have to do the same thing when my human sis's cat comes to visit. That fellow even follows me to the potty....just rude!!!
Monty you are one handsome fellow.
Madi and Mom
Go Monty Go!!! You are one cute woofie!
Monty is so silly! And we LOVE your super large paw! But, what did she do that you must whap her?
Monty looks like a very happy dog.
We like your name plate.
Thats a lovely name plate your mum did.. What a happy looking woofie.. Wow that paw looks fierce.. HUgs GJ xx
Monty is such a cute puppy. Tommy slobbers all over cute. And Jazzie--I really think you'll like her--give her a chance, you could teacher here alot! :) and you asked on my blog if it snows much...NO. Here in Dallas, we're lucky if we see a couple inches a year--we now have a record 24 hours snowfall of 12.5 inches...yea, back to the covers!!
Your name plate is so cute!!!
Mounty is a very sweet doggie :-)
((hugs)) for Millie
from Kareltje =^.^=
I love the concept of making your paw look bigger - swat away!
My goodness, you are a *beautiful* Cat!
Nice to "meet" you!
-Annie, Nicki and Derry from Fuzzy Tales
Monty has such a sweet and happy face. It was very sweet of you to share the recipe for making that cool nameplate. We are trying to convince our mom to make one for us, but replace the flour, water, salt and paint in the recipe with tuna.
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