Mom has been depressed. She has been threatening to stop blogging! And then on top of this it is yucky outside, cold and cloudy! But we bring happiness to my mom!

A little sunbeam here ...

even a moonbeam!

Those clouds always make my mom depressed! Then on top of that things are not ok here.

In the meantime mom says that we are like a large dose of sunshine! We often have a smile or loves for her! We do our best to cheer her up!
Monty's smile made my mom feel better -
Maybe woo need to have your mom look at mine again!
Sorry your mom is down...
PeeEssWoo: Hi Monty - better get working on cheering her up!
Sorry to hear your Mom is down and things are not okay there. Mom sends hugs and I will send a purr. If you wanna email Mom (address in my profile) she is happy to lend an ear, er, eye.
Mom understands the down feelings your Mom has. She gets them too, especially then the weather is bad. You babies are doing your best to help. Our mom will listen , too, if it will help!
We both hope you keep blogging, and so does our mum. You guys always make us happy and smiley.
Many purrs to your mummy and to you.
Looking at your faces would make anyone smile! We're sorry your mom is feeing down...we're purring for her....
Purrrrs from me to your mom, I hope everythings will turn back to OK :)
Cheer her up guys! She need all of u to keep her smile :)
Poor mum. I hope she feels better soon. She can email my mum any time for some sympathetic ears, I mean eyes.
We hope that your beautiful selves help your Mom feel better. We would miss you very much!
Sunbeams and Moonbeams are magical. purrs FAZ
We are sorry to hear your mum is having a rough time. Our mum has down times sometimes too. Your mum is welcome to email our mum anytime she wants to. Purrs.
Thanks for making your Mom feel better, just keep giving her lots of kisses and snuggles, she'll come around.
your pal,
Millie tell MOM to take a blog-a=cation for a few days. We'd certainly miss not checking in on you all. I wish you had been at the Ladies night out. There were just a few kitties there but the pooches were so nice to us and very welcoming!!! Check in with Twix
every so often. The ladies night out was so successful she is planning another outing.
Madi and Mom
It's been really rainy-dreary-cold outside here too (or so I've heard). I've had to cut down on nap time to make the Staff happy and productive. It's what we cats do best!
My mom was depressed too, she is improving and I hope that your mother also improve!
Keeping the mom's happy is part of what we kittys do best! Keep up the good work and maybe youll get some nip!
Thank you for my happy gotcha day wishes,
Sir Trooder Lioncourt
Life is not the same without furry smiles & kisses. Keep up the good work- sounds like your mom needs so extra ones!
here's a big slobbery one from me! MWUAAH
We are sending lots of sunny, smiley purrs your way!!! With a slight chance of headbutts!
Monty, you need to work on getting a big smile on Mom's face like you have - hope things get better and some sunshine comes into your home.
Woos, the OP Pack
It's nice to make your mom smile and happy. Give her lots of hugs and snuggles.
Poor health and poor weather do pack a punch. Your poor mum! Better give her loads of cuddles. Hope she feels better soon.
Oh, we are sorry about the bad feeling of your mom. Hope she feels better soon...big hugs to her.
We are glad you try to let a little happiness in your house.
We have these bad and cold weather here too. ...
Luna, Luzie and Olli
oh Millie, please tell mommy we love your blog.She is really creative and talent! And please mommy, don't be depressed, you have a blessed and beautiful family!
Everything will be okay soon! Think positive!
purrs and love
Hi Millie,
You three furry children give mom a big hug from us. Mom said to tell her no matter our old our human children get we always worry about them. Moms are fixers and when they can't fix something they worry.
Hugs from the 2 M's!!!
Woo! Seems like lots of us doggie-Moms suffer similar lows. Hope your mom cheers up soon. With you guys around, I am sure she will.
Lots of love and licks
It sounds like your mom could use some good purr therapy. I am sorry that things are not okay there, and I hope things will be better soon.
Hi Millie,
Madi and I were glad to hear from you yesterday. Thank you for you comment about our rug...it is very durable...it has survived one Dachshund and 2 cats. HA!!!
Madi loves to sit right in the middle.
Take care of your peeps and siblings,
Madi and Mom
Tell your mom that we totally understand feeling bad and the weather I am sure doesn't help! We are always here for her if she needs us or if you need us to help cheer her up!
We are so sorry to hear that your mommy is depressed. Humans sometimes get into this state and in is impawtant as the cat of the house to know how to help them. We're sending hugs and purrs too!
I'm lost, I don't know what quit means!
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