The Whippy Curly Tails
Poppy Q
Mom is forgetting our manners!! I told her she must thank these two blogs.... Poppy Q and Whippy Curly Tails. Both these blogs have made mention of me in their blog postings in a big way by introducing me to their friends. I think that is so cool and very sweet!!
Poppy Q (in the second picture) introduced me way back at the end of January. Unfortuately, my mom has been a slow poke about getting around to mentioning this, and thanking Poppy Q officially. Hey Poppy!.... I will always remember you in a special way.... You were the first to comment on my blog. I have certainly enjoyed this past week watching you with your scratching pad!
Then Blackie, Tannie, and Miss Simba from Whipppy Curly Tails made mention of me and my family this past Thursday. (First picture is Blackie & Tannie Man). I especially think it is so kind that they wrote about our big brother Monty Dog.... our funny yellow companion who believes he is a cat sometimes! Hey! I also want you to know, I am now on the look out for the Boogeymanz.
If you haven't yet, I hope that all you cats out there will visit these cats blogs. They are really nice cats!!
PS: We want to apologize... we told mom that she needed pictures for this post.... so she helped us to get a couple of pictures from Poppy's and Whippy Curly Tails blogs. We sure hope that was ok.
Don't worry Millie...you are doing fine and if we haven't said so....you are soooo cute!=^Y^=the Cat street Boyz
Millie! you are a very polite kitty!
Millie, you're a little doll!
We are glad that Poppy introduced us to you!:)
Fanks for that friends. We love meeting new cats and beans and you are doing a great job with your blog.
You are a very cute kitty Millie and such good manners!
You are very polite and I'm sure the cats won't mind if you borrow their pictures.
Huffle Mawson
Hi Millie! We're happy that Poppy Q and the Whippy Curly Tails introduced you to us!!!
How sweet to mention these wonderful kitties in your blog. We love Poppy Q, especially the love affair she's having right now with her scratch pad.
Woof to the fabulous Monty ... Dogs can be our bestest friends!!! Pssst Monty, maybe you ARE just a big long-haired kitty!
Thx for the wonderful shout to us via your bloggy. We love seeing ourselves with a black background in the tubby!!!
Purrs to all of you!
The Whippy Curly Tails
What a sweet thank you post. The CB is a great place where you can meet the nicest cats. Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Dearest Monty,
We honor you with The Golden Awardy!!!!
You are such a beautiful dude ... Belated Birthday Awardy!
Come by to get it & pass it on.
Woof, woof ....
The Whippy Curly Tails
What great friends!
Hi Millie, You are doing fine. Our beans are all slow about doing stuff for us on our blogs. But your mum has to get her priorities straight, blog first, everything else after that.
Those are great cats! You're a sweetie.
Hi Millie! You asked how I got my name Derby? I got adopted on the first Saturday of May, the day they run the Kentucky Derby horse race. So mum named me Derby, guess that was better than being Kentucky!!
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